The Impact of H.R. 5860 on the Health of Individuals, Communities, the Profession of Nursing, or the Health Care Community at Large.


The H.R 5860 may put individual and community health at risk. Covid-19 vaccines have proven safe and effective in preventing transmissions and mortality; furthermore, the efficacy continues to evolve through boosters, protection durability, and new vaccine authorization (WHO, 2022). H.R.586 will alter public trust and confidence, which might lower vaccination acceptance, leading to more Covid-19 cases. Furthermore, this bill will increase the disease burden among communities, especially in crowded adult care homes and hospitals, leading to high transmissions and disruption of economic, social, and public life. Consequently, H.R. 5860 may lower the plausibility of vaccines in the Healthcare community and the nursing profession as it strives to limit compulsory vaccinations. H. R. 5860 will put nursing professionals at high risk from infected patients, which harms the health system’s capacity.


In conclusion, the main purpose of H.R. 5860 is to exempt essential workers from mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations enforced by the federal government, contractors, private entities that got federal funds, and public institutions that got federal Covid-19 funds. Although proponents of this bill claim that mandatory vaccinations infringe upon individual liberty and autonomy, its enactment might increase Covid-19 transmissions, mortality, and morbidity and stifle healthcare capacity. The enforcement of mandatory vaccinations has led to nurses’ resignation; among ten thousand employees, approximately ten nurses were laid off for rejecting vaccinations. Nonetheless, policymakers need to consider the health repercussions of enacting H.R. 5860. Mandatory vaccinations are plausible for nursing professionals since they are a priority vaccination group to prevent transmissions and safeguard the health system’s capacity.


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