The Impact of Age on the Prevention of Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer risk rises with age, mainly after the age of 50. Older people diagnosed with prostate cancer face unique challenges, especially concerning the treatment of prostate cancer.  When it comes to the preventive measure where one is required to stay sexually active, it would be difficult for the aged people as they may be unable to maintain this due to body complications and even their ages not allowing them. Also, some aged people may lack an improved diet as most live alone, so getting the recommended diet is an issue (Emily and Hannah 7). Older patients are more likely to have high-risk prostate cancer at diagnosis and less likely to receive local therapy. Indeed, the underuse of potentially curative local therapy among older men with high-risk disease may partly explain observed differences in cancer-specific survival across age strata.

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

The treatment of prostate cancer can include a lot of treatment options. Some treatment options may include expectant management, which is normally recommended when doctors think prostate cancer is unlikely to grow quickly. The doctor can also recommend another option termed active surveillance, where one monitors prostate cancer by performing prostate-specific antigen tests and regular prostate biopsies and treating the cancer if it grows or causes symptoms (Mamello et al. 10). A surgery may also be done where a doctor removes the prostate, and the process is called a prostatectomy. A doctor also performs radiation therapy using high-energy rays to kill the cancer cells. There are two types of this therapy: external radiation therapy, where a machine outside the body directs radiation at the cancer cells. The other is internal radiation therapy, where radioactive seeds or pellets are surgically placed into or near the cancer to damage the cancer cells.


Cancer is a disease that occurs when cells divide uncontrollably and spread into surrounding tissues, and changes to DNA cause cancer, and most cancer-causing DNA changes occur in sections of DNA called genes. These changes are also called genetic changes. Preventive measures such as a healthy diet, regular exercising, and taking a variety of fruits are recommended by health providers in order to prevent the growth rate of prostate cancer hence minimizing death rates of prostate cancer. Factors like age and genetics can impact the preventive measures for prostate cancer as this type of cancer mainly occurs in older people aged 65 years and above, but some treatment options can be applied to fight against the complications of prostate cancer. It is essential to follow the recommended preventive options to minimize cases of prostate cancer.


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