The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.

The Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing would, during the course of its work at the Institute of Medic create the vision for a healthcare system that is transformed while keeping in mind that there are limitations and demands that are facing the current system.

The committee in question would envision a system that made quality health care accessible to the country’s diverse populations. Such a system would intentionally promote disease prevention and wellness, improves health outcomes reliably and also provides compassionate care for people of all ages. In their envisioned future, prevention care and primary care would be central drivers of the system. Interprofessional coordination and collaboration would be standard practice. Furthermore, payment for health services would reward the value of services offered as opposed to the quantity as is the case in the current system. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.Quality care is also to be provided at a price that is affordable for both the society and individuals within it. The foundation envisioned a system where the growth of expenses relating to health care is significantly slower than at the time. In all the above areas, the system would consistently demonstrate that it responds to the desires and needs of individuals through the delivery of care that is truly patient-centred (Rekha, 2020).The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.

The Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing wold embed four key messages within the structure of the IOM Report in question. These messages would be in line with the committee’s recommendation on the need to transform practice. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.The first key messages would touch on the need for nurses to practice to the full extent of their training and education. For Americans to have access to the required services and so that the contributions that nurses make towards health care are maximized, state and federal actions will be needed to update and to standardize the scope-of-practice regulations so that they take full advantage of the education and capacity of advance practice registered nurses. Insurance companies and states need to adhere to specific policy, regulatory and financial changes that provide patients with the freedom to decide on the provider they want, including advance practice registered nurses to best met their needs. The removal of financial, policy and regulatory barriers so as to promote patient-centred care and choice among patients needs to be grandfathered into any new healthcare system (Hallock, 2019).The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.

The second key message comes under the need to transform education. The committee would determine that nurses needed achieve significantly higher educational and training levels through improvements in the educational system to ensure promotion of seamless academic progression. This would call for major changes to both the healthcare system and the practice environment. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.These changes will require changes in education that are equally profound both before and after licencing. The educational system should be such that it equips nurses with the tools they will need to both evaluate and improve patient care standards as well as the safety and quality of care while still preserving the basic elements of musing education such as integrity, ethics and compassionate and holistic approaches to care (Guru et al., 2017).

Under the need to transform leadership, the committee would relate their key message to the incorporation of nurses as full partners with healthcare professionals and physicians in the redesigning of health care in the country.  Not every nurse starts their career with the aim of becoming a leader. Strong leadership will however be central to any transformation endeavour. Through proper education, nurses can not only adapt to new settings but can fit into the reconceptualized roles that will come with said transformation (Kovner et al., 2018).The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.

Finally, under the need for better data regarding the health care force, the committee’s fourth message would relate to effective planning of the work force and making policies to ensure better collection of data as well as an improved informational infrastructure. The first, second and third messages work to transform the nursing profession so as to achieve the above mentioned vision of healthcare. Nurses however do not work in a vacuum. Understanding the

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