The Effects of Cyberbullying on Students’ Academic Performance

Background of the Study about Effects of Cyberbullying

The advancement in technology has led to the evolvement of various human practices, which have improved the living standards of people nowadays. In spite of this, modern technology has led to the growth of various social problems that have enormous consequences in the society. According to Michel and Heirman (2011), while the advancement in technology has improved people’s connectivity, it has also increased emotional stress within the society.

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Nevertheless, the negative impacts of modern technology such as cyberbullying, have received little attention over the recent years. Lauren and Ratliffe (2011) noted that cyberbullying has a lot of emotional impact in the life of leaners such that it adversely affects the overall academic performance of the affected individual. Cyberbullying in schools is on the increase, which can be attributed to the expanding technological advancement.

According to Elizabeth (2010), there has been an increase in the level of emotional stress impact among victims. Even though the rate of cyberbullying in institutions of learning has increased, Watson and Vannini (2010) observed that nothing has been done towards averting the present situation that has been instigated by digitization and modernization. There is a high tendency among cyberbullying victims of remaining silent whenever bullied, a move that escalates the stressful impact of cyberbullying.

Susan, Butler, and Emmison (2011) attribute such reluctance to report cases of cyberbullying to the fear and the associated social stigma. In spite of this, it is the duty of everybody in the society to stand up against cyberbullying as it had adverse effects not only to the victim but also to the entire society at large. This research hopes to provide more insights into the concept of cyberbullying in the society by examining the impacts of cyberbullying in the academic performance of affected individuals in the society.

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