The Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Policy Against Bullying General understanding of bullying by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s

The Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Policy Against Bullying

General understanding of bullying by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s

Bulling and any kinds of abuse at the workplace are punished severely at most companies and are usually followed by the government of the region. People have the right to work in the company they like and which is interested in the services, are provided by people, but at the same time, nobody has the right to provide abuse and bullying at work, as this is punished by law. The current paper is going to analyze and evaluate Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Policy against bullying and code of practice on dignity at work.

Starting with the analysis of bullying in general and its understanding by Dumfries and Galloway Council it should be mentioned that “workplace bullying is an abuse of the power provided by seniority in position or physical, psychological or social ascendancy over colleagues at work” (Policy against bullying 1). Abuse may be provided in different forms, beginning with mental abuse and finishing with physical abuse. Managers of any company should follow the culture of communication at work and create a successful environment, which supports the effectiveness of work.

Bulling at work effects

Bulling and violation of workers leads to serious effects, which disturb not only the working abilities of people but also lead to the violation of individual peace of any person and harassment. Bulling at work usually reduces the productivity of work and leads to other effects, which appear to be the barriers to become a free person in society. According to Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Policy against bullying, bullying at work may become the reason for mental and physical health problems. Furthermore, bullying is unacceptable behavior, which must be punished, as there is no justification for bad treatment (Policy against bullying 2). The violated person is in constant fear and the productivity of work is reduced to a minimum. Moreover, no new and innovative ideas are offered as the fear of punishment and humiliation may follow the offer. It has always been important for any person to keep dignity clear, so they should better work calmly without offering new ideas than be humiliated for their bold plans.

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