The Assignment (3-6 pages total): Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages) • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion. • Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace. • Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed.

Workplace Environment Assessment
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Work Environment Assessment
Clark’s work environment assessment established that my current organization is moderately civil. In this assessment, my organization score 83 out of 100, which ranked it in the second level of incivility. It showed that my organization could not be considered a completely healthy workplace. There are numerous categories in which my organization was poor at which count towards the health of a workplace. Some of the areas that my organization performed poorly include teamwork and collaboration, communication, celebrating individual achievements and shared vision and mission. My organization, however, excelled in the areas of opportunities for career development, division of workload, and competitive salaries.


One of the things that surprised me about the assessment was that emphasizing employee wellness and self-care contributes towards a healthy workplace. I thought that wellness and self-care are personal elements. In this sense, the workplace has no responsibility for the employee’s wellness. The other thing that surprised me about the assessment was that I expected my organization to perform lower than it did. I did not think it would be categorized as moderately healthy because there are many issues in my workplace. However, it opened my eyes to appreciate the ways that the organization tries to create a healthier workplace. Having established that my workplace is moderately healthy, it reflects on the evident room for growth. There are numerous areas in which the organization will have to improve on including communication, teamwork, collaboration and conflict resolution. Better communication will reflect on reduced conflicts and more work efficiency. Developing teamwork will increase collaboration and cohesion and, in turn, lead to better professional relationships.
Reviewing the Literature
Workplace incivility is a significant concern in healthcare as it has proven to affect healthcare outcomes. It is defined as the rude and disrespectful actions by healthcare providers towards each other (Abdollahzadeh et al., 2017). Numerous negative effects stem from workplace incivility and can have negative somatic, psychological and behavioral effects on the victims. The effects on the individuals impact healthcare outcomes such as increasing medical errors and cost of care and reducing patient satisfaction. The nursing profession is affected by workplace incivility like other professions. Internal conflicts among nurses can lead to incivility, and when these conflicts are extremely intense, they can translate to bullying and even lateral violence. Workplace incivility is thereby seen as a low-intensity by-product of conflict compared to other effects. The incivility characterizes the lack of respect towards other professionals. Some of the causes of workplace incivility have been noted to be poor communication and discourteous attitudes towards others. These actions are perpetrated with the purpose of undermining and intimidating the other person. It is unfortunate that in the nursing practice, about 90.4 per cent of nurses report experiencing some form of incivility from their coworkers (Armstrong, 2018). Workplace incivility, therefore, affects teamwork and facilitates unsupportive work relationships among healthcare providers.
The results from the study by Bambi et al. (2017) show that, at times, nurses can play both the role of the victim and the perpetrator in workplace incivility. On one end, a nurse might be experiencing incivility and also taking the same actions on others. Because the habit is very popular, it is known to shape the workplace culture and give workplace incivility deeper roots. The concept relates to my workplace, where in most cases, a nurse experiencing incivility will be in a bad mood and act out on others. The study by Abdollahzadeh et al. (2017) evaluates the prevention of workplace incivility. One of the barriers to preventing workplace incivility is that people do not expect to solve the problem personally. While incivility can be prevented from the top by developing work policies, nurses must also be personally involved by not engaging in such behavior towards others. In my workplace, people refuse to acknowledge the existence of workplace incivility. It makes it possible for perpetrators of subtle incivility to get away with it. The study by Armstrong (2017) establishes that the problem of workplace incivility can be prevented through training. It establishes that people might not know the intensity and the potential of the negative impacts that come from incivility. The concept relates to my healthcare organization because people do not think that these behaviors have the potential to cause any adverse effects on the healthcare process. They only think that it affects the in

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