The Assignment: (2-3 pages) In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps: • Planning and requirements definition • Analysis • Design of the new system • Implementation • Post-implementation support

Nurse Informaticist and Systems Development and Implementation

Developing and implementing new systems is a complex task that requires many different people to work together. As technology changes, businesses need to keep up in order to compete. In the healthcare industry, nurse informaticists play a vital role in the development and implementation of new systems (Strudwick et al., 2019). By providing evidence-based care, nurse informaticists help to improve the quality and outcome of patient health.

The role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation is crucial for the successful integration of a new nursing documentation system. This role description outlines the responsibilities and contributions of a graduate-level nurse who will serve as a vital team member during the implementation process (Forman et al., 2020). This paper explores the role of nurse informaticists in the different stages of system development and implementation.

Planning and Requirements Definition

Nurse informaticists are essential in the development and implementation of new systems in healthcare. In the planning and requirements definition phase, nurse informaticists work with clinicians and other stakeholders to identify the needs of the new system (Bird, 2017). They conduct comprehensive assessments of current nursing workflows, practices, and documentation requirements to determine existing gaps and areas for improvement (Sipes, 2019).

Nurse informaticists also help to define clear and specific system objectives that align with the unit’s and organization’s goals. Additionally, they act as a liaison between nursing staff and the implementation team to facilitate communication and gather input. Finally, nurse informaticists assist in developing a detailed project plan and timeline for the implementation.


In the analysis phase of system development, the nurse informaticist can work closely with nursing staff to gather in-depth feedback on current workflows and user preferences. This information will then be analyzed to identify patterns, challenges, and potential solutions. The nurse informaticist can also collaborate with IT professionals to assess the technical feasibility of the proposed system and ensure that it meets all security and privacy standards (Sipes, 2019). Finally, the nurse informaticist can generate detailed documentation that outlines the specific functional and technical requirements of the system. The analysis of phase is important since it will contain the different attributes of the system and the overall applicability following the final implementation.

Design of the New System

Nurse informaticists play a critical role in the design phase of system development, working closely with the design team to translate requirements and specifications into user-friendly interfaces. They ensure that the system is designed with the needs and preferences of nursing staff in mind, emphasizing user-friendliness, efficiency, and safety. Nurse informaticists also participate in usability testing to identify and address any design issues or challenges (Risling & Risling, 2020). Additionally, they contribute to the development of training materials and resources to prepare nursing staff for the upcoming changes. By acting as a bridge between the nursing team and the design team, nurse informaticists help to ensure that nurses’ input is considered in all aspects of system design.


The implementation phase involves putting the new system into place. Nurse informaticists work with clinicians and other staff to train them on how to use the system and troubleshoot any problems (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). They also help to monitor the implementation process and make necessary adjustments as needed. They are readily available to answer questions, address concerns, and resolve challenges that arise during the initial deployment.

Nurse informaticists also monitor the system’s performance and user satisfaction, gathering feedback for continuous improvement (Risling & Risling, 2020). They collaborate with IT and the implementation team to resolve any technical or operational issues promptly and assist in developing policies and procedures related to the new system’s use.

Post-Implementation Support

Once the new system has been implemented, nurse informaticists continue to provide support to users. Firstly, they maintain continuous support for the nursing staff as they transition to and adapt to the new system. This support is instrumental in ensuring a smooth integration process (Kinnunen et al., 2019). Additionally, the N

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