The Age Of Enlightenment And The American Government


The U.S government although created in the late 18th century incorporates ideas about government originating back to the early 11th century. The American Founders were influenced immensely by preceding government philosophy and authoritative documents. American Government Essay



The Age of Enlightenment, specifically, was a period of political novelty and innovation leading to vast governmental and societal advancements. The American FOunders were part of the ENlightenment and adapted an abundance of the innovated ideas to formulate our government. Similarly, the principles established in the Magna Carta and English Bill of RIghts are paramount to the formation of the Constitution. Collectively they formulated concepts such as limited governments and challenged many dubious institutions and notions.American Government Essay Paper.
When creating the American government the founders looked to many examples of both good and bad government for guidance, learning from the past as well as their own experiences at self government. They were curious about what type of government would work best, so when late 18th century Europe found themselves in a social as well as intellectual revolution the founders were intrigued. The Age of Enlightenment threatened established institutions and authority by advancing the belief in science and reason which led to the study of human nature and questioned the traditional government. American Government Essay Paper.

American Government


Each type of government holds different views as to the role the leaders and citizens should perform in their country .Different types of government include, oligarchy where the government is run by the best leaders, Tyranny, where they believe those in power should have complete control over its people. In the United States of America, we believe in democracy, rule by the majority. The main problem with our type of government is maintaining it. Our government and its citizens have lost sight of their roles and responsibilities, in government.American Government Essay Paper.

The role of the government in our country is defined in our Constitution as to, “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the…show more content…
Although I myself do not wish to participate in theses activities, I do not think that is my duty or that of the governments to tell others that they cannot do these things. The government is crossing the line from being a democracy to becoming a combination of Oligarchy and Tyranny type government by telling its people what they can and cannot do in their private lives.American Government Essay Paper.

The private citizens seem to have lost sight of their role in government as well. The people have forgotten that they are just as part of the government as the people that hold positions in office. Citizens of this country sit around and complain about what the governments does or doesn’t do. They complain about the government running their lives. What they seem to have forgotten is, they have elected theses people. When it comes to voting, the people should look into the person that they are voting for. They need to ask themselves, What does this person stand for? Does this person believe in the things that are important to me? Will this person make the right decisions? The problem is,too many people just vote for whom ever is affiliated to the party of their choice. It is the duty of the citizens of America to vote and vote wisely. We need to remember our role in government, if we want the government to remember theirs.American Government Essay Paper.

All individuals within the United States do not receive the proper benefits they desire which results on the Government not fully benefiting their needs. The American government supports all citizens, but does not grant individuals their total human rights that they fully deserve. Individuals have the right to be supported by the government especially the one with a low income,troubled families, and struggling individuals. Although the government satisfies the needs of its people to certain extent, it only occurs when the government is involved due to self-interest. The legislative process, interest groups, and congressional powers tend to stop the American individuals from being fully satisfied by the government of the United States.…show more content…American Government Essay Paper.
Gridlocks stop copious bills from being passed, this results and leads to benefit the political system. There are various bills that are constantly being introduced to the legislative system but most of them do not proceed to get

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