Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan Executive Summary

System change is highly engaging and requires extensive planning. It is also important to make the desired changes systematically while engaging all the necessary teams. In the needs assessment meeting, the areas necessitating a system change were identified. The next stage is implementation to ensure that the vision becomes a reality. As a nursing informatics specialist, I have developed a plan to facilitate a smooth transition from the old to the new system. The plan has seven components- completing one phase leads to the next.

The first phase is needs prioritization, where the change areas will be ranked. The second step involves assembling the implementation team. The team will compose individuals skilled in systems change. They should also be available throughout the project. The third and vital step is systems change involving a system overhaul. It is the phase where the necessary software, hardware, and operating system changes will occur. The next phase will be piloting. The new system will go live for the first time in this step. The team will observe how the system runs to determine whether any more changes are required. After piloting, system users will be trained to ensure they are ready and confident to use the system. Readiness will read to system adoption into practice to commence actual work. I will also lead in selecting a team to guide system upgrades and maintenance to ensure that the project is sustainable.

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