Teaching Plan NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4 teaching plan

Teaching Plan

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4 teaching plan has been developed that includes the teaching hours, learning outcomes of the course, topics to be covered, and the general assessments conducted in the course. The teaching plan for the CPM course has been completed as follows:

Course Title

Chronic Pain Management (CPM)

Learning Outcomes

·       Students will understand the importance of the intervention design process for chronic pain patients.

·       The students will be able to assess their learning on CPM through assessments and reflective modules at end of course.


·       Understand chronic pain in patients

·       Define the impact of chronic pain on physical movement and daily life of the patient

Perception of Chronic Pain

·       Discuss the prevalence of chronic pain through case studies

·       Understand intervention designs for short and long-term chronic pain

·       Develop a perception of chronic pain based on the chronic disease

Principles of CPM

·       Define appropriate goals to address chronic pain in patients

·       Define proper plans and interventions for the patients

Interdisciplinary approach to CPM

·       What is the role of an interdisciplinary team in enhancing care for patients with chronic pain

·       Treatment through the inclusion of the team

·       Define the role of different team members to treat chronic pain in patients

Evidence-based Interventions for CPM

Define all evidence-based interventions for CPM to nurse students that are as follows:

·       Cognitive behavioral therapy

·       Mindfulness-based treatments

Planning Care in CPM

·       Promote assessment with a reflective approach

·       Provide students with actual cases of chronic pain patient

·       Provide means for them to analyze the case

·       Review the submitted files

·       Grade students on their assessments


·       Provide feedback on the learning of class

·       Discuss key takeaways with students


In conclusion, the CPM course provides nurse students with formal knowledge and practical approaches to addressing chronic pain. The proposed CPM course has been assessed with an emphasis on teaching and learning styles. Certain aspects of the VARK framework may be helpful when incorporated into the selection process, particularly when enhancing teachers’ and students’ teaching performance and course outcomes. NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 4 following teaching plan has been created regarding proper evidence-based uses of subject matters belonging to the course and different interventions for chronic pain.


Dent, J., Harden, R. M., & Hunt, D. (2021). A practical guide for medical teachers, e-book: A practical guide for medical teachers, e-book. In Google Books. Elsevier Health Sciences. https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=lBArEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg= P1&dq=Assessment+Strategies+and+Complete+Course+Plan+in+healthcare&ots=dlplaCTAwF&sig=lUyRbA58U1v-0oVIJQfdqTtUzu8&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&

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