Systems and Staff Members Involved in Designing and Implementation Process and Team


The selection and design of an EHRs system rely mainly on the organizational needs, However, while corporate needs should influence the system selection, the organization and its management must develop an effective implementation strategic plan consisting of many experts and professionals from different areas and departments within the entity. The system should demonstrate the ease of interaction between other users, especially patients and care providers, and should not impede communication between the critical stakeholders.

The multidisciplinary approach in initiating the EHR system indicates the need for stakeholders to understand the new framework, ensuring consistency based on protection and security, structure work processes, and preparing group consideration (McCororie, 2019). Practical training on EHR usage allows practitioners to adjust to the new model that benefits patients, nurses, doctors, and other healthcare providers. The implication is that the organization must have an effective team that understands or designs an implementation process based on an information strategy that emphasizes information governance.

The organization should create an execution group or team from different departments, design the product or system, identify equipment needs, share information, and enhance pre-dispatch processes. Successful implementation will entail having an effective team and having insight and expertise in their respective areas. As a new project in the organization, the EHR system should have a leader, project manager, and top users, mainly nurses, and patients. The lead physicist connects health care professionals and other staff using the system. The project manager is in charge of the entire project and ensures that all deliverables are attained (Bjarnadottir et al., 2017). Nurses, top users of the new system, and IT experts in the organization, and administrative staff and physicians will provide essential inputs in designing and implementing the system. Collaboration is a crucial aspect of the successful implementation of the new system, and all these individuals are critical to the plan.

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