Submit a 750–1,000 word report that provides an overview the database or query results. The report should consist of a demographic description of the chosen population including a review of noticeable trends in morbidity and/or mortality by race, gender, and geographic location where specified.

Vector-Related Diseases Affecting Kansas Community


Vectors are organisms that have the capability of transmitting diseases among animals. They perform these actions through blood sucking, fluid release among other techniques (Rao, 2017). Mosquitoes are widely known as vectors of the malaria parasites (Plasmodium falciparum in humans), as they transmit it effectively across human beings and across different organisms.

Vector-borne diseases can also be due to transmission of viruses and bacteria through the bites of snails, lice, ticks, tsetse flies, among others. There is an annual global death toll of over 700,000 from diseases that are as a result of the action of these vectors (Rao, 2017). Tropical and sub-tropical areas are more affected by these diseases, and the poor populations are also at higher risk of being unable to fight these diseases.

Also, the presence of various environmental and social elements affect the distribution of vector-borne diseases. For instance, overcrowded places are likely to suffer more effects of an outbreak of a vector-borne disease compared to less crowded places. Climate change, as well as shifts in agricultural practices can also be great determinants of the spread of vector-borne diseases. In Kansas, mosquitoes and ticks are the most prevalent vector-borne diseases, with West Nile Virus and Rickettsiosis being the top diseases they cause respectively.

Current Health Concerns in Kansas

Besides the high rates of obesity, cancer, and lower respiratory disease that affect Kansas, vector borne diseases in the state are in the rise. The environment in which people live greatly affects the spread of certain diseases (Zhao, 2017). Recently, there has been a lot of evidence that Kansas is among the leading states with numerous environmental hazards that are responsible for causing disease. A considerable number of diseases in the state, however, remain to be attached to genetic factors.

According to Kansas Health Institute, KHI, (2018) the common environmental hazards in the State include pesticides, ambient air contaminated with mercury, nitrites, and arsenic in drinking water, as well as numerous vectors of diseases such as malaria and rickettiosis.

While critical measures of information are right now being gathered (for the most part by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment), the data is commonly used to screen and implement government and state natural quality guidelines (World Health Organization, 2017). A populace based way to deal with natural medical problems will require more grounded ecological wellbeing epidemiologic limit, top to bottom investigation of the accessible data, extra data on the markers of uncommon premium not right now secured by existing projects and linkage of the data on ecological perils with the circulation of related wellbeing results in the state.

With these frameworks set up, the state’s ecological wellbeing needs could be better surveyed and needs for mediation distinguished. Intercessions may incorporate open data crusades (for instance, safeguards to take when the air quality records fall beneath security edges), network level mediations (for instance, empowering the advancement and utilization of individual transportation options in networks with outside air quality issues) or instructive exercises on best practices to oversee wellbeing conditions exacerbated by presentation to ecological dangers.

Environmental Risk Assessment Methods in Public Health Issues

There are various methods that researchers often use to assess the impacts of environmental hazards on human life. Two of the main techniques include the tiered approach, where there is the PNEC health assessment and the probabilistic risk assessment; and the biology-based risk assessment, used where more specific information is needed among species.

In the biology based risk assessment. The specific toxic properties and systems in species are the main concerns of the assessments on the stressor. The two methods also involve characterization of the severity and the specific biological effects that are brought by the environmental health hazards.

New Modifier/ Prevention Program for Kansas Vector-Borne Diseases

The fact that there has been over 100% rise in the tick-borne diseases in Kansas is evident enough that affirmative action has to be taken. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (2017), there were 250 tick-borne diseases and 75 mosquito borne diseases in 2016 alone.

It is therefore clear that the state needs to establish different affirmative action for ensuring the safety of its people against these diseases. In the new program, different ways of exterminating the dise

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