I experienced no difficulties while searching for the article because it is in an electronically available and indexed repository. The benefit of having open-source articles from peer-reviewed journals is that it improves the quality of information that is available to the public on a subject. The database is useful to nursing colleagues of all demographics. Subscription-based repositories are restrictive in the sense that professionals in impoverished surroundings are not able to access such information. The result is the unfortunate reliance on habits or outdated practice that does not acknowledge the annotation of current evidence about wound care in patients.
The article shows that wound care practice could benefit from increased knowledge-sharing among nurses (Smith-Strøm et al., 2016). Therefore, the issue of continuous professional development for nurses in this context should not only exist for the purposes of certification, but also for benevolence in patient care Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 4: Research Analysis.
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