Step 2: Summary of Analysis  Craft a summary (2-3 paragraph) below that includes the following:  Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research  Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research  Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research 


My approach to identify and analyze peer-reviewed research is based on critical reading as well as evaluation of articles to identify the best that is in line with my topic. Through intensive reading of materials from different library databases, I was able to classify these publications as either peer-reviewed or not and also identified their relevance for clinical research (Cooper et al., 2018). Notably, peer-reviewed articles are also checked in terms of the quality of the publication by analyzing accuracy and assessing validity of the research. For me to achieve this, I refined my search strategy by selecting relevant topic and ensured that the results in the manuscript were relevant to the present study by selecting the latest publication (Krishnamurthy & Wood, 2018).  

I found data search skills and evaluation of types of resources in scholarly journals as two strategies that I would use in finding peer-reviewed articles. The first strategy enhances my ability to retrieve materials from a search database (Lefebvre et al., 2019). It is always a challenge for a majority of students to evaluate relevant materials for their studies but with the data search skills, one can categorize databases that are relevant to their area of research and select keywords to limit their searches. The second strategy on the other hand singles out articles that are peer-reviewed and published for use in scholarly journals (Cooper et al., 2018). These two strategies ensure that quality materials are selected so that I gain adequate knowledge for successful completion of my MSN program. 

In order to find peer-reviewed resources in the future, I intend to use online library databases found at Walden University library and beyond. Database resources from an online library contain numerous peer-reviewed journals with special catalogs organized in an alphanumerical order from A to Z (Krishnamurthy & Wood, 2018). It then means that database search can be useful in locating published materials by selecting an alphabetical listing that coincides with the topic of research. The use of online library databases is also easy to navigate as one opts to find relevant information during studies (Tricco et al., 2018). As an MSN student, library databases will be instrumental in providing consistent information in a secure form as they can only be accessed at the Walden University library by students or staff who have valid passwords. 


Academic and professional success requires one to delve into intensive research relevant to an area of study or expertise. However, since a lot of research is involved, one needs to identify a search strategy to retrieve peer-reviewed publications for studies. As discussed in the preceding texts, the selection of articles for research should be based on the use of online library databases that are easy to use and those that provide accurate information. The premise will guide in the selection of articles that provide information on evidence-based practice related to the adoption of a mathematical model that can be used to schedule shift hours for nurses.  


Cooper, C., Booth, A., Varley-Campbell, J., Britten, N., & Garside, R. (2018). Defining the process to literature searching in systematic reviews: a literature review of guidance and supporting studies. BMC medical research methodology, 18(1), 1-14.  

Krishnamurthy, M., & Wood, F. (2018). Promoting effective searches and use of information by DNP students: Getting the write start. Nurse educator, 43(2), 63-64.  

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