Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

Application of statistics in the healthcare
Health statistics are numeric derails about health aspects and entail studying human illnesses and health. For example, the development of new medicine starts with detailed statistical analysis (Dash et al., 2019). Researchers utilize statistics to determine the patterns of different health conditions in particular populations. Such details can aid in determining the people at risk of contracting diseases, thus outlining strategies to control the decisions and deciding the diseases that should be researched. The information gathered from numeric and observation measurement help healthcare decision-makers in planning and implementing policies that are significant to the organization and patients.
Statistics are essential to health care organizations when accessing the performance of failures and success. Quality improvement managers measure the future results by establishing service quality standards using statistical details. Evidence-based medicine entails making the best decisions on how to care for patients. EBM entails policies vital to deciding on the best techniques for offering quality healthcare and health promotion within a population. Quality management should be data-driven, and it is critical to note that it cannot be measured, then rectifications cannot be made.
Statistics play a vital role in patient safety. The CDC estimates that there are 1.7 million infections in American hospitals alone and about 99,000 deaths linked to infections yearly. Thirty-two percent of the contaminations are urinary tract contaminations, 22 percent are surgical contagions, 14 percent entail bloodstream infections, and lastly, 15 percentages are lung infections (“Healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs),” n.d.). Evidence-based practices should thus be used to minimize preventable harm. This goal can be attained by offering statistics on treatment applicability, cost, and efficacy. The statistical details entail HIV and AIDS, medical expenditures, safety monitoring, hospital statistics, and healthcare cost and utilization.


Health promotion
Health promotion aids communities and people curb chronic health conditions and fostering good health. The focus of health promotion is on traits such as inadequate physical activity, bad eating habits, and tobacco use that lead to developing chronic diseases. Demographic statistics aid in predicting the kinds of services required and the level of care affordable to the specific group. The utilization of health statistics helps providers match the requirements of a community with the presently available services. The use of statistics in the healthcare systems results in different outcomes such as a decrease in heart conditions, safer foods, and children immunizations.
The statistical analysis examines performance results. Descriptive statistics outline medical services and products’ efficacy, usefulness, and expense. Statistical data helps leaders make vital decisions like allocating funds, staffing needs, and involvement in clinical trials. Healthcare facilities utilize quality management programs concerning data to boost efficiency. Health administrators also utilize statistics in applying for various grants and validating budget expenditures to the boards.
Utilizing health statistics in the pediatric care facility
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) affects the breathing passages and the lungs and is the prevalent cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in kids. In the US, almost all kids are infected with RSV by the time they are two years and about 75,000 to 125,000 of the infected children are hospitalized yearly. The virus affects about 64 million individuals and results in 160,000 deaths annually in the globe (“Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV),” n.d.). It is critical to note that RSV mortality has reduced, but the virus continues to be a global health issue that needs thorough research to determine how to curb, for example, using a vaccine.
Gathering data
The primary sources for collecting health statistics include peer-reviewed sources/literature, medical and administrative records, surveys, disease archives, and observation. The pediatric facility gathers data by following up on the emergency room admission and visits for RSV and utilizes the data in planning. The use of a system-wide computer program is a technique of ensuring that the obtained data is shared among the doctor’s offices, remote clinics, and hospitals (Tian et al., 2019).
Application of the data
After data is gathered and examined, it is shared with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ((NIAID) and CDC. There is no approved vaccine for RSV; however, different trials are being conducted by (NIAID) on a vaccine to help curb RSV. The statistical data collected is exami

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