ssignment 2: Application 5: Disseminating the EBP Assignment One of the chief purposes of translating evidence into practice is to advance the field of nursing. Dissemination is a critical step in this process. It is important to disseminate and share the information gained from a translation-of-evidence project to enhance the body of knowledge within the profession, thus furthering the science of nursing. To prepare for this week’s section of Application 5:

Disseminating the EBP Assignment

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Disseminating the EBP Assignment
Background, Purpose, and Nature of the Project
Culture is described as a set of shared beliefs, principles, worldviews, and behaviors shared by a community of people. Culture is diverse and depends on the group’s ethnic identity, which changes and occurs in several different forms (Brathwaite, 2019). Often, one’s background influences their attitudes and decisions because it defines what is considered appropriate or not. The healthcare system does not discriminate against people with various backgrounds, but the physician-patient partnership may differ based on cultural affiliations (Brathwaite, 2019). Furthermore, based on how these cultural allegiances contribute to someone’s culture, they can affect the provision and acknowledgment of healthcare services. The purpose of this EBP project is to explore the need for providers to identify various cultural affiliations when disseminating healthcare to mental health patients. The project will incorporate the description of the issue based on the practice-focused question, the existing evidence, and the results obtained.
Description of the problem or issue
Cultural awareness is the capacity to recognize one’s cultural allegiances, particularly values and beliefs, and comprehend how they influence decision-making and behavior. The knowledge of awareness helps us see oneself from another person’s eyes, which opens one up to doing new ideas and reasoning from another person’s viewpoint (Cai, 2016). The practitioner can discover cultural differences and successfully address them by developing a culturally competent practice. Since culture has a strong impact on how people react to disease and the care process, doctors need to be culturally informed in order to make the best choices possible on how to handle patients. My practice-focused question is whether cultural awareness in mental heath improves care delivery and patient safety. To answer this question, cultural awareness in mental health helps to reduce medical errors, improving preventative care and data collection (Cai, 2016). This project incorporated EBP education on the need for nurses to assess the patient’s cultural affiliations before initiating care.
I conducted my cultural awareness project in a psychiatric hospital where I practice. A minimal sample of the population was chosen from each department. Since they offer health services, these participants were purposefully chosen because they come into touch with clients from various cultures (Abitz, 2016). They included clinicians, nurse practitioners, pastoral chaplaincy, and imaging technicians. Although they work in their separate units, the clinicians in the education unit interact with patients. The implementation plan includes appreciating diversity, performing cultural self-evaluation, comprehending difference patterns, enforcing cultural awareness, and adjusting to diversity. The evaluation of the outcome portrayed improved care delivery and patient safety in culturally diverse groups.
According to the results, a culturally competent individual should recognize, understand, and respect the cultural variations of others. Such an individual possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and respect variations inside, within, and amongst culturally diverse communities (Harkess & Kaddoura, 2016). Creating insight into the nature of the patient’s environment and developing a care strategy appropriate and beneficial to the patient’s well-being is aided by gathering comprehensive history and considering the client and family’s thoughts and feelings regarding the presenting issues. This method also allows for greater communication between the patient and the clinician, contributing to better health results.

Abitz, T. L. (2016). Cultural congruence and infusion nursing practice. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 39(2), 75-79.
Brathwaite, B. (Ed.). (2019). Diversity and Cultural Awareness in Nursing Practice. Sage.
Cai, D. Y. (2016). A concept analysis of cultural competence. International Journal of Nursing m ik cv developed simulations: enhancing cultural awareness and understanding social determinants of health. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(4), 243-246.

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