Sociological factors influencing the relationship between patients and health professionals



Macro and Micro level of analysis


The relationship between patients and health professionals is influenced by sociological
factors that include the degree of trust, quality of communication, and perceptions of patient
satisfaction with the nature of care. The patient-health professional relationship is fiduciary in
nature since health workers agree to maintain confidentiality, obtain informed consent, respect
client opinion, explain available treatment option, and offer highest standard of care (Namazi,
Aramesh & Larijani, 2016, p 9). The level of trust and mutual knowledge will determine the
quality of relationship since trust enables patients to feel comfortable while revealing worries,
secrets, and fears to health workers. The intellectual abilities and language competency of the
patient contributes to a successful relationship. The patient perceptions regarding physician’s
competency and power impacts on the nature of the relationship since some patients have lower
levels of autonomy in selecting their preferred treatment plan. The social inequality of patients
creates a disadvantage in social interactions with health professionals since the individual is
economically disadvantaged in the selection of preferred care plan (Namazi, Aramesh &
Larijani, 2016, p 10). The psychic distance such as excessive sympathy with patients interferes
with the relationship. Body language and emotional quotient assists in controlling unwanted
desires and emotions thus leading to better relationship with patients.


Namazi, H., Aramesh, K & Larijani, B. (2016). ‘The doctor-patient relationship: toward a
conceptual re-examination’, Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Vol 9
(1), pp 9-10.

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