Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics Smart Phone and Social Media Policy


Social media is very common in society today. While the definition of social media is
always changing, it usually refers to internet-based tools that allow individuals to come together
as a way of communicating as well as to share information, ideas, personal messages, pictures,
and other content (Ventola, 2014). The use of social media by adults increased from eight
percent to 72% since 2005 (Ventola, 2014). When it comes to healthcare workers, more then
90% of them use some form of social media, some for personal activities and some for
professional activities (Ventola, 2014).
If I were to make a policy regarding smart phones and social media, many things would
be included in the policy. First off, no confidential information will be shared about the
company or patients. Also, no political activity, photography, or videos will be shared on social
media. No posts should be made that can be traced back to a patient in anyway. There was a
nurse in New York who was fired after sharing a photo of a trauma room after the patient was
moved out of it. The caption of the picture on Instagram said “Man vs 6 Train” (ABC News,
2014). This picture could be tracked back to the patient and patient’s family and the nurse was
fired for being insensitive (ABC News, 2014). If you are making it known that you are affiliated
with the facility, you must also make it known that whatever it is that is being posted are your
own thoughts and not the thoughts of the facility. Also, when talking about the facility, you must
identify your position within the company as well as being professional and respectful at all
times. There will be no “friending” of patients on any social media platforms, and management
should also refrain from “friending” employees that they manage.


In the case of the Navy Corpsmen who shared video of newborns on snapchat, there are
many legal and ethical issues involved. The biggest issue is the HIPPA violation by sending out
videos and photos of patients. HIPPA allows health care providers to share information with
only those other people who have a need to know and if the patient objects, it cannot be shared
(Harris, 2018). Under HIPAA is what is called protected health information. This information is
health information that is created or received by a physician, relates to the health or condition of
an individual, identifies the individual, and is transmitted by or maintained in electronic media
(Harris, 2018). When this information is used without a patient’s permission, there is a HIPAA
violation (Harris, 2018). This is the case with the Navy Corpsman because they put pictures of
the babies on social media without the permission of the parents. Not only that, but how they did
it and what was in the pictures and videos was completely unethical. The health care providers
involved, who were not nurses, were identified and were removed from patient care and handled
by the legal system and military justice (Walker, 2017).

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