Social Media Addiction Linked To Cyberbullying


Cyber Bullying is a major problem. For some of you who may not know what cyber bullying is, cyber bullying is a form of bullying that takes place entirely online through devices such as phones, tablets, and computers. Cyber Bullying happens to everyone, kids are cyber bullied because of their gender, race, ethnicity, and disability. Cyber bullying is meant to hurt, humiliate, expose, and harass others (Steele). Cyber bullying has a huge effect on kids to the point where they don’t go to school, they don’t sleep or eat, and they are trying to hurt themselves or commit suicide. Cyber bullying and normal bullying cause kids to feel shameful and worthless. Kids should not feel this way, and this shouldn’t be a problem kids have to face. Kids are exposed to bullying early on in life during school and depending on what it’s like it could either get worse or better. For someone hopefully, it’s better. Bullying has been taken to another level using social media, kids need to realize what is happening to others and why it’s affecting them.

Why do kids bully? They bully, because they're jealous, they want to get even, they have been bullied themselves, or they do it because it seems fun to them (Steele). Kids bully so it makes them look more powerful or cool to other kids. Kids also do it, because they see their close friends doing it or they want to be part of a popular group, so they do it. There are many different types of cyber bullying, besides just social media (Steele). There is harassment, stalking, taking unwanted pictures, threats, and blackmailing (Steele). There is more to cyber bullying than just Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. In cyber bullying, boys are the main stereotype to cyber bully, but the girls have higher stats and percentages than boys (Gaba). That doesn’t mean, boys, don’t bully it just means girls are more likely to do it (Gaba). Girls are more likely to gossip, spread rumors, and post pictures (Gaba).

There are two different types of bullying there is traditional bullying and cyber bullying. These two types of bullying are similar because harm is still being done to others to hurt them, the bully still has power, and the incidents happen repeatedly (Chardutta). Bullying is different from cyber bullying, because the bully is bullying the victim face to face, it happens in the halls, locker rooms, and classrooms, and the victim knows when and where it will happen (Chardutta). In cyber bullying, the bully is protected by the internet, it doesn’t matter when or where the victim is it will happen, and the internet incidents will or can go viral (Chardutta). In both types of bullying people have no remorse, but people are a lot less remorseful when it comes to cyber bullying (Chardutta).

Cyber bullying can really affect a person’s mental health. There are many harmful effects that are caused because of cyber bullying (Berry). Some mental effects are depression, anxiety, self-harm, and violence (Berry). As a parent, guardian, or authority member if you notice a kid who is acting very strangely, make sure to keep an eye on them, they may have anxiety or depression. If the kid has severe depression or anxiety, you will notice them not showing up for school, not eating, not talking, or not sleeping. If a kid or close friend has started saying goodbye to you or giving you his or her favorite items, they would never give anyone, you need to contact help right away. These are two major signs of suicide. If you contact someone, you just saved a kid’s or your friend’s life and they can get help. Those examples above aren’t the only reason kids try to commit suicide, it’s because other kids tell them to, they tell them that they're better off if that kid isn’t here. Those things should never be coming out of someone’s mouth. It doesn’t matter if you get along or not, you never tell someone else that. A big question is for those people when that kid's parent finds that message and confronts you what do you say then? This is a major thing that goes back to kids not realizing how they are really affecting others.

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