Should the Physician Allow Mike to Continue Making Decisions that Seem to him to be Irrational and Harmful to James?


The physician should not allow Mike to make decisions that irrational and harmful to James. Firstly, healthcare providers have the obligation of ensuring that the safety of the patient is protected. They make decisions that aim at optimizing the wellbeing, health, and recovery of the patients from their

phi 413 benchmark – patient’s spiritual needs case analysis essay

PHI 413 Benchmark – Patient’s Spiritual Needs Case Analysis Essay

conditions (Scott, 2017). Healthcare providers also play the role of patient advocates. This implies that they fight for their patients in situations where their health and lives are at risk. An example is the case study where it is evident that Mike’s decisions are causing more harm to James than promoting his recovery.

The physician also has knowledge on issues that cause ethical dilemmas in his practice. An example of such issue is the conflict between respecting the autonomy of the caregivers and taking decisions that promote the health and wellbeing of the patient. In such situations, healthcare providers are expected to make ethical decisions that will not only protect the health of the vulnerable but also demonstrate prioritization of the health issues affecting the population. Consequently, the physician should not allow Mike to make decisions in a way that facilitates the understanding of the family. This includes explaining to the family about the prognosis of their son and possible outcomes if immediate interventions are not adopted. PHI 413 Benchmark – Patient’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay

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The decision of not allowing Mike to make decisions concerning James’s health is not a violation of the autonomy of the patient. The physician will instead be promoting his autonomy by ensuring that the best interventions are used to promote his health. Healthcare providers often experiences ethical dilemmas in their practice. In such situations, they are expected to prioritize the needs of the patient, hence, the soundness of the decision made. PHI 413 Benchmark – Patient’s Spiritual Needs Case Analysis Essay

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