Should Schools Adopt A Zero Tolerance To Bullying?




Bullying as describes by CDC incorporates three attributes: purposeful hostility, a force awkwardness among attacker and casualty, and reiteration of the animosity which presents difficulties in law and policy changes (Dewey G. Cornell, 2016). Bullying is found everywhere in the workplace, at home and also at school. Bullying not only harms the person being bullied but also affects the society. Stories about young school going children committing suicide is on the rise in the world. Zero tolerance policy regarding bullying ought to be adopted in the school system to eliminate the rate of suicide among school going children.


Bullying is described as undesirable, forceful conduct among school going youngsters that includes a genuine power imbalance. Bullying is a rehashed example of forceful conduct where somebody in a place of intensity deliberately tries to hurt others genuinely, verbally or sincerely (Allen, 2018). Suicide is described as demise brought about by harming oneself with the goal to pass on. Attempted suicide is the point at which somebody hurts themselves with the aim to take their life, yet they don't bite the dust because of their actions (suicide?, 2020). The Zero Tolerance Policy includes arrangements inside schools that students must follow and if by chance that they decide not to, there are negative outcomes regardless of what the conditions.

Forms of bullying

Bullying can take place in form of physical like beating, hitting, biting and destroying property. Another form is emotional bullying which consists of being gossiped upon, ganging up on someone, being excluded from a group, lying about someone, tormenting and even belittling someone. Verbal bullying consists of name calling, intimidation, insulting, racial or homophobic slurs. Social bullying is when one spreads rumors, humiliation, making faces, being unkind to someone and damaging one’s reputation.

Another form is cyberbullying. This is where one hides behind a screen ie internet and includes hurtful texts, gossiping, spreading rumors and excluding someone from the internet.


Bullying affects the well-being of students and also affects their educational goals. Children go to school everyday not knowing what they will face. Teachers see zero tolerance regarding bullying effective and shows lower paces of harassing among students, Schools with these policies assures the safety of the LGBTQ communities in school. It has also seen a reduction in bullying among the LGBTQ and effective intervention by staff (William Hall, 2018).

Bullying has serious effects on an individual and community. Some signs of bullying are depression, moods swings, not wanting to go to school, diet changes ie not eating or eating too much, withdrawing from society, cutting oneself, unexplained bruises, grades deteriorate, becoming quiet and suicidal thoughts.

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