Should Parents Be Held Responsible for Bullying: Argumentative Essay


As the Prophet mentions ‘‘The Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe. The emigrant is one who abandons those things God has prohibited.' This hadith utterly characterized Muslims. They are people of well-being and trustworthy, so much so that other Muslims can turn their backs on them without doubt or suspicion. They can delegate a family member to such people without hesitation, for that person will completely being safeguarded from the Muslims' hand. If they appear with other fellow men in a gathering or meeting, the person can leave in credence that no one will condemn about him or her, and neither will he or she have to attend gossip about others. They even do not live; but they allow others to live and will supply advocates for them as part of Muslim’s duty. They will even provide oblation. These characteristics distinct those whose act are vice-versa including criticize other’s right and insensitive towards the dignity and honor of other people. Therefore, there is no tolerance for cyber bullying within this context as it is claimed contravening with the values of Islam.

Another characteristic of a Muslim is that he does not problematize to his other fellow Muslim. That is why inhibitory approach is placed emphasis in Islam in order for an evitable bigger disaster within the individuals and society as a whole. This is proved by the following verse of the Quran: O you who have believed, avoid much (negative) assumption. Indeed, some presumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is accepting of repentance and Merciful. The main ideology is that to shed some light on the hidden and secretive sins that are predominated amongst Muslims. The fact that these sins are exercised from within one's self gives it a more fatal effect in intercepting Islamic brotherhood at large. Islam therefore, seeks to abolish these evils from the very beginning. Intuition is the stepping-stone that leads to committing other evils mentioned in the verse, namely; backbiting, gossip and spying. Umar Ibn Khattab said: 'If your Muslim brother makes an ambiguous statement to you, you should only think the best and you will find a good explanation for it.' (Muwatta Imam Malik 422: 1797) If suspicion, gossip and spying had already included under the evil acts, and prohibited by Islam, then

sending content messages or black email intended to hurt or insult the victims that may cause the destruction of oneself shall be held liable according to Islamic law. There are few steps that may be handy to curb cyber bullying in society. These include:

Respect the rights of fellow human beings:

It becomes a religious responsibility of a Muslim to appear fairly, disagreeing honestly, enjoy their companionship, strive for a common goal and help one another to achieve it. This respect is exercised on the basis of religious teaching. It is indeed proved in the Islamic history that there was Islamic respect with regards other religions as typified by the Prophet Muhammad and how Islam opt to implant good relations with other traditions through a sincere respect and understanding of the knowledge and major authorities of other people.

Save your time!

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a neutral entity which acts on reliance of totality with users to describe its meaning, purpose and direction. In this regard, ICT must be seen as a strength which complements Muslims’ role and responsibilities as leaders and workers of Islam. Thus, ICT and its innovations should be regarded as factors or means in the equation of Muslims’ duties in the mosques, schools and organizations. There is no place for those who use ICT to condemn or bully other individuals. Parents and teachers should emphasize on this value in cultivating their children or students as ICT became parts of their Da’wah mission emphasized by Islam.

Parent’s role:

There are many effective activities and discourse that parents pratice with their children in order to prevent incidents of cyber bullying. This includes talking with their children regarding of the harms and also being harmed by the activity of cyber-bullying and how Islam prohibited such activities if it clearly intervenes other’s right. Parents can also educate their children how to behave and communicate mannerly over the Internet and mobile devices. Importantly, parent should extensively set a limitation of time spent by their offspring on Internet. Islam looks at parent as those who will be held accountable for this trust on the Day of Judgment. Parents are significantly responsible for the moral, ethical and the basic and integral religious teachings of their children. If they successfully adhere

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