Self-Assessment Reflection Becoming self-aware is an ongoing process requiring introspection. The more often people practice self-reflection, the more opportunities they have to understand their own behaviors and adapt their approaches to working with other people, which can improve both your own and other\’s abilities to meet their professional goals. In a 1,000-1,250-word reflective essay, address the following: Provide a rationale and brief summary for selecting each self-assessment. Summarize the results you obtained on each assessment. Identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style. Reflect on how you might incorporate elements of that particular style as you exercise leadership in a practice or health care organization setting. Discuss any particular areas for improvement the assessments helped you identify and some steps for improving your leadership capabilities. Analyze the characteristics of an

Leadership Style and Self-Assessment

Effective leadership is paramount in nursing, where the well-being of both the healthcare team and patients hinges on collaborative, thoughtful, and visionary guidance. Various leadership theories and styles have emerged, each offering unique perspectives on how leaders can inspire, guide, and shape their teams (Kelly & Hearld, 2020). Self-assessment is integral in understanding oneself and proper leadership tendencies.

Self-Assessment Rationale and Summary

In order to understand and have a clear overview of myself, I focused on three tests on emotional intelligence, the big five personality test, and the cultural diversity awareness test. I chose the Emotional Intelligence Test to gain insights into my ability to navigate and understand emotions, an essential aspect of my interpersonal relationships. Scoring 45 out of 100 aligns with my self-perception.

I’ve always been aware of my strength in identifying emotions through bodily reactions, but the acknowledgment of struggling with more complex emotions resonates with my belief in continuous self-improvement. It’s a true reflection of my commitment to understanding and managing emotions more comprehensively, enhancing my overall emotional intelligence.

The choice of the Big Five Personality Test stems from the relevance of personality traits in understanding individual behavior and interactions. Scoring 69 out of 100 highlights a dominant trait of extroversion, suggesting a generally outgoing and social nature. However, the acknowledgment of various introverted tendencies adds nuance to the assessment. This indicates a balanced personality with a fluidity between extroverted and introverted qualities. The results emphasize the complexity and versatility in personal characteristics, encouraging a holistic approach to self-awareness and interpersonal dynamics.

Selecting the Cultural Diversity Awareness Test was driven by my commitment to fostering inclusive and respectful interactions. Scoring 109 in the high range is affirming. It aligns with my core values of recognizing bias and prejudice and emphasizes my belief in the importance of understanding and appreciating diverse perspectives. This score is a true representation of my commitment to continuous learning, acknowledging the impact of my behavior on others, and actively seeking ways to enhance my cultural competence.

These assessments collectively provide a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s emotional intelligence, personality traits, and cultural awareness (Andrade, 2019). The results indicate specific strengths and areas for growth, paving the way for targeted personal development efforts. Embracing the distinctions revealed in these assessments fosters a holistic approach to self-awareness and the enhancement of interpersonal skills in various contexts.

Leadership Style

The leadership style that closely aligns with my philosophy of care is Servant Leadership. This resonates profoundly with my humanistic approach to care, which places a strong emphasis on the well-being and development of individuals. What particularly appeals to me about servant leadership is its commitment to distributing power rather than consolidating it at the top (Pawar et al., 2020).

This aligns perfectly with my belief that leadership should be about empowering others, fostering collaboration, and creating an inclusive environment. The core concept of prioritizing the well-being of others aligns with my philosophy of care, emphasizing the importance of empathy and genuine concern for the needs of those under my leadership (Mcquade et al., 2021). In a healthcare setting, this is crucial for creating a compassionate and supportive environment that ultimately contributes to better patient outcomes.

The active support provided by servant leadership in helping individuals reach their highest potential resonates deeply with my belief in the continuous growth and development of both team members and patients (Langhof & Güldenberg, 2020). It encourages a culture of mentorship, guidance, and investment in the personal and professional growth of each individual, fostering a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

In essence, the relevance of servant leadership is based on its holistic and people-centric approach (Saleem et al., 2020). By focusing on the needs of others and actively supporting their development, it aligns seamlessly with my philosophy of care. The leadership style achieves organizational goals and also enriches the lives of those within the healthcare system.

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Self-Assessment Reflection Becoming self-aware is an ongoing process requiring introspection. The more often people practice self-reflection, the more opportunities they have to understand their own behaviors and adapt their approaches to working with other people, which can improve both your own and other\’s abilities to meet their professional goals. In a 1,000-1,250-word reflective essay, address the following: Provide a rationale and brief summary for selecting each self-assessment. Summarize the results you obtained on each assessment. Identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style. Reflect on how you might incorporate elements of that particular style as you exercise leadership in a practice or health care organization setting. Discuss any particular areas for improvement the assessments helped you identify and some steps for improving your leadership capabilities. Analyze the characteristics of an

Leadership Style Reflective Essay

Leadership is among the responsibilities that require excellent and quality skills to effectively lead a team towards the desired common goal. It involves a leader portraying professionalism towards their followers to encourage them to execute their roles. All leaders have their strengths and weaknesses. However, a determined leader uses their strengths while at the same time using the strength of others to cover their weaknesses. This paper aims to review and perform self-assessment and look at the strengths of personal leadership styles and how they relate to various leadership philosophies.

Rationale and a summary for selecting each self-assessment

There were various reasons and aims for selecting each assessment. To start with, determining whether a leader has the capability of impacting an agreement among differing opinions in a discussion is the first self-assessment that was selected. It is a vital self-assessment as it allows one to determine their decision-making capabilities in critical organizational discussions (Kiwanuka et al., 2021). Understanding this vital component can help one to become a successful leader with good skills in team leadership. Based on the results from this assessment, a score of 2 was obtained, a good indicator that a person’s reflective supervision might be familiar to them. It hence may require more effort to achieve better results.


The second self-assessment involved determining whether leaders practice teamwork with their subordinates during major decision-making. This is an assessment that was done to determine whether a leader utilizes their skills of leadership while at the same time nurturing others to leadership. In this assessment, a scale score of three was obtained, a good indicator that the leader is always willing to help others. The third self-assessment is determining whether a leader is always willing to address the needs and issues of other people positively. It is important since it makes subordinates feel valued, thus working hard and smart toward achieving the set targets (Kiwanuka et al., 2021). The obtained results, in this case, were three, which was a good indicator that the leader is always willing to address the needs and issues of their followers.

Leadership Style

The philosophy of care is vital when upheld by a leader. Transformational leadership is the leadership style that aligns with this philosophy. Transformational leadership is a style that emphasizes openness at work, thus enabling the leader to seek new ideas from their subordinates. Transformational leadership encourages innovative thinking in a team by exploring new growth opportunities and experiences, thus promoting intellectual stimulation among team members (Wang et al., 2018). In this case, transformational leadership allows sharing of ideas among team members concerning emerging elements and concepts that improve results. Transformational leadership also has the aspect of encouraging leaders to be active listeners. It is an aspect that allows leaders to listen more to their followers, thus helping them to make an informed decision.

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Self-Assessment Reflection Becoming self-aware is an ongoing process requiring introspection. The more often people practice self-reflection, the more opportunities they have to understand their own behaviors and adapt their approaches to working with other people, which can improve both your own and other’s abilities to meet their professional goals. In a 1,000-1,250-word reflective essay, address the following: Provide a rationale and brief summary for selecting each self-assessment. Summarize the results you obtained on each assessment. Identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style. Reflect on how you might incorporate elements of that particular style as you exercise leadership in a practice or health care organization setting. Discuss any particular areas for improvement the assessments helped you identify and some steps for improving your leadership capabilities. Analyze the characteristics of an e

NUR 514 APA Assignment: Leadership Style Reflective Essay

APA Assignment: Leadership Style Reflective Essay

Self-awareness and effective leadership are critical attributes for nurse practitioners. Nurses and nurse leaders require reflective approaches to understand their leadership attributes and improve self-awareness. Self-awareness allows nurse leaders and nurses to recognize their strengths, weaknesses, and values. Understanding one’s emotional intelligence level and leadership style helps in developing effective leadership for nurse practitioners in different settings (Cummings et al., 2021). The purpose of this paper is to reflect on leadership style based on self-awareness tests. The paper explores the different self-assessment tests and their results, leadership style closely aligning with the nursing philosophy, characteristics of an effective professional nurse leader, and a leadership theory that supports professional nurse leaders in different ways like collaboration and conflict resolution.


Rationale and Summary of Self-Assessment Tests

Self-assessment tests like personality assessment and learning styles assessment allow nurses and nurse leaders to enhance their skills by understanding their personalities and values. As a critical part of healthcare delivery, nurses must have sufficient skills based on their values and attributes to influence patients and attain quality outcomes (Grossman et al., 2021). The three self-assessment tests that I took include the VARK learning style questionnaire, the values profile assessment, and the Big 5 personality test. These tools while presenting diverse outcomes illustrated my exceptional nursing leadership skills and abilities to influence others in practice. The rationale for deploying these tools was to ascertain the various leadership attributes that I possess and ways to improve them in the nursing practice context.

The VARK learning assessment showed that I am a robust kinesthetic learner with effective coordination abilities and a sense of body timing. The trait is essential as it ensures that patients’ needs and healthcare workers’ concerns are a priority for nurse leaders (Cummings et al., 2021). The value profile assessment showed that my personality is based on dominant values that include caring followed by social attributes and realistic values. These values are essential when dealing with patients and subordinates as one listens to them. The values also imply that I can negotiate policies that benefit patients. The Big 5 personality test showed that I am extroverted implying that I relate easily with patients and healthcare workers. This trait is essential for transformational and servant leaders in nursing who seek the best of patients and even providers, especially fellow nurses and other healthcare workers.

Leadership Style Aligning with Philosophy of Care

Nurses and nurse leaders develop their philosophy of care to guide their interaction with patients and care delivery. Such philosophies entail values and attributes that make one unique and focused on their role as a nurses in different specialty areas. In this case, my nursing philosophy is developing an innovative and transformative health environment to care for patients from diverse backgrounds based on inherent values and the dignity of human beings. As such, the leadership style that aligns with the philosophy is transformation which emphasizes openness to work and enables leaders to seek innovative ideas from the team. Transformational leaders encourage innovative team thinking and diversity of ideas. They embrace divergent views and integrate them to offer quality care through models like evidence-based practice (EBP) (Brunt et al., 2023). Transformational leadership aligns with this philosophy as it implores nurse leaders to work with all stakeholders to deliver quality care by considering emerging aspects and concepts based on innovative models (Stanley et al., 2021). What appeals to me about this leadership style is its futuristic perspective and helping others grow for the greater common good. The implication is that transformational leaders nurture their subordinates to deliver quality care to patients.

Integration of Elements of Transformational Leadership in Health Care Setting

Transformational leadership is a critical leadership model in nursing because of its attributes or components. These include individualized or personalized consideration, intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, and inspirational motivation. These factors are essential in healthcare settings where leaders influence subordinates through their interactive work. For instance, individualized consideration entails a leader attending to the individual needs of each follower and mentors, coaches, and guide

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