Self-Assesment and Reflection Essay


My personal learning style can be best described as kinesthetic, which means that I tend to learn more through experience than I do through lectures or other observational methods. This, however, does not mean that I am a bad listener, or that I do not learn at all by reading, writing, and attending lectures. I believe that I have an extroverted personality that allows me to become more actively involved in various projects. This allows me to gain firsthand practical knowledge and this is how I infer that I am able to learn the best. Another thing that I have realized is that creating a portfolio of one's strengths and weaknesses in order to elucidate the various opportunities that can be availed and the threats that can be avoided (Salend 2001).

One of the most important things that are bound to affect my learning is the fact that I am an adult learner. A preliminary investigation conducted in the mid-1990s showed that many adults were living in a world full of anxiety and fear. Much of their anxiety and stress came from work-related problems, where they saw a workplace that was under constant change. This also included the fact that the workplace was getting very competitive and the work was being more intensified. There was also a great deal of fear of losing their jobs since many neo-liberal economic policies were in effect. It was, therefore, deemed necessary that the people, the citizens, live in a world that is free of such fears. One way to do this is to give them training that is focused on addressing these very issues. As Lange (2004) depicts, there is a distinctive learning process that involved the restoration and transformation of the people's attitudes towards their lives and workplace. This article focuses on transformative learning, which is extremely important for adult education, as it expands on the ideas of restorative learning. Transformative and restorative learning, when combined together, can form an important ally in allaying many of the people's fears and how it enables them to perform as more active participants of the society. I believe that this is very important in my case, as it allows me to learn with practicality.

This is a very important concept as it applies directly to our society. The dialectic of transformative and restorative learning is extremely important and necessary as the dialect is not just an overview of how changes in the worldview and the various different habits of the people change as their thinking change. It is rather an ongoing change process where the people feel a chance in their natural state of being because it is related to the various other aspects of their lives. This explains the process of knowing and how it relates to the process of life itself. What the person feels inside is reflected on how he or she acts in the real life. This is why this kind of study is important as it helps us understand how the ethics and the morals of the people affect the way that they behave in the society in accordance with their material, social, and physical realities. The better they understand themselves and their own morals, the more involved they tend to get in the betterment of the society. I believe that I thrive in this kind of an environment and I am able to learn better while involving myself directly with the outcomes of the learning.

I think I am more fond of the transformative and restorative learning that is extremely important for nurturing and developing active citizenship amongst the people. Other conclusions that were drawn from my own personal assessment in which I find that the transformation that occurred in me while changing my career from engineering to teaching was not just an epistemological process that involved changing worldview and my habits of thinking. On the contrary, my transformation was also part ontological, where I found the experience of a change in my being in the world. I also discovered that the more I participated and related with my environment, and with the social and material surroundings, I started looking for more and better ways for becoming responsibly and socially involved as an active part of the society.

One thing that I am certain of is that I am going to face a great deal of psychological, mental, emotional, and physical problems because of my situation, as explained by Alice Jacobs in her article entitled “Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backward”. In this essay, she describes how we, as humans, assume various roles in our lives and these can be the cause of much stress to us. I am a mother and a wife and I have a household to look after, and I am going to be an adult learner. I am very much aware that I would face certain problems and that I would have to sacrifice a great deal in order to complete the education that I have started. These kinds of problems are unique for the adult learners and various researches are being conduc

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