Select one of the future issues presented this week. Examine the issue in terms of cultural diversity, health promotion, and communication methods. Discuss in detail how this issue affects healthcare delivery and advanced nursing Week 8: Cultural diversity is one of the foremost common issue in nursing

. an example is racial and ethnic. Racial and ethnic minorities confront challenges in having access to healthcare in the United States although minority groups are anticipated to increase from about a third of the U.S. population to 54% by 2042 (McEwin & Wills, 2014). Unfavorable social determinants of health such as education, housing quality, and access to healthy foods contributes to lack of access to healthcare for racial and ethnic minorities. The healthcare framework should take measures to advance culture competence and racial/ethnic diversity, there by easing healthcare disparities and progressing healthcare outcomes in these populations. There is also underrepresentation of cultural, gender, and ethnic diversity during training and in leadership at the healthcare level. Different racial and ethnic healthcare providers such as primary care doctors or

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