Select one of the following as the focus for the Community Teaching Plan: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population Bioterrorism/Disaster Environmental Issues Complete this assignment using the “Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal” resource. This will help you organize your plan and create an outline for the written assignment. After completing the teaching proposal, review the teaching plan proposal w

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal: Expert Solution 

Planning Before Teaching:

Name and Credentials of Teacher:



Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 50-60 minutes Location of Teaching:



Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Projector, laptop, condoms, whiteboard, pens, demonstration kits, Dvd, writing pads Estimated Cost: educational DVD costs around $20, stationary $100, condoms 3 cartons $90, projector, laptop, and whiteboard are offered by the school hence the total cost is $210
Community and Target Aggregate:


High schoolers aged between 10-17 years



How to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Unwanted Pregnancies

 Identification of Focus for Community Teaching:

This community teaching focuses on primary prevention/health promotion for sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies. Recently the prevalence of unwanted pregnancies among adolescents has increased due to lack of information, substance abuse, poverty, and poor mental health conditions (Wilkins et al., 2022). Community Teaching Plan

Therefore, the program educates individuals on the prevention methods, encourages regular testing, and in case they have abnormal test results, how to manage and treat HIV and STDs.

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic:

Teenagers engage in unhealthy sexual risk behaviors that have dire consequences if they are not educated about them. According to the CDC report (2019), the rate of HIV transmission between 13 to 24 has increased by 21 percent. Community Teaching Plan

Furthermore, 38 percent of adolescents are sexually active, and 47 percent of sexually active individuals do not use condoms. By 2018, around 180,000 babies had been born to teenage mums. Thus there is a need for health promotion and prevention methods for STDs and pregnancies to reduce their occurrences.

 Teaching Plan Criteria

Nursing Diagnosis:

The increase of unwanted pregnancies and STDs among the youths and adolescents is associated with having multiple sexual partners, lack of sexual health education, inaccessibility to STD prevention methods such as condoms, and stigma; hence the youth fear talking openly about their sexual lives. Community Teaching Plan

When enforcing the teaching plan, the teacher will focus on addressing the issues preventing youth from accessing HIV/STD solutions and what can get done in case of emergencies. Educating individuals on birth control options and how to obtain them is another significant factor during the program implementation.

Readiness for Learning:

Emotional readiness

It helps to determine if students are ready to learn. The learner’s emotional readiness involves learning their sexual risks, their strengths and weaknesses in sexual health, and taking care of their well-being(Igoe, 2017). Thus, the educator can ask questions or conduct a survey before training.

Experimental readiness

  • Ask questions about sexual health and see how many students are ready to answer.
  • Give students the writing pads and ask them to write the sexual health questions they might have. It will help in creating an individualized training program.

Learning Theory to Be Utilized:

The learning theories utilized in the project include constructivism, humanism, and connectivism. The constructive approach is used when students can learn from their experiences. In this case, if the student is sexually active, they will be able to know the dos and don’ts to prevent STDs.

Humanism learning usually focuses on self-actualization. If the program is tailored to meet the individualized need of students, then the humanism theory is attained. Upon conducting the session, connectivism theory is applicable because it will display if learners are willing to attend counseling and testing appointments to reduce the risks of HIV.

It will also show it connects if they can create peer groups that assist in sexual health education. Community Teaching Plan


This program aims to enlighten learners on how to use condoms to lower the rates of unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

It also aims to inform learners about the myths and misc

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