Select an organizational readiness tool and assess the level of readiness for change within your organization. Identify the readiness tool and summarize the survey results. Discuss the degree to which the culture will support and sustain an evidence-based practice change

Consider strengths and weaknesses, potential barriers, stakeholder support, timing of the proposal, and resources. Provide rationale. For one to implement a change fully in an organization, everyone must be behaviorally and psychologically ready and prepared for it. There must be a proper alignment between staff and the leadership for change to be implemented effectively. Change champions could be used to help promote and sustain the change. Nursing research is a crucial aspect of the nursing process, consisting of information gained from ongoing observation, research, and literature. Nurses use current research to ensure that changes made to the nursing system are based on sustainable practices with evidence support. Implementing in person translation can present challenges for both medical and translation staff who are not prepared to work together. The readiness for the hospital for change will be examined using the Organizational Readiness to change Assessment (ORCA) model. I chose this model because it assesses the strength of the available evidence which is virtual translation services to support the proposed EBP. The Change Assessment (ORCA) model can determine the readiness for change in the organization. It measures the following factors: 1) The strength of the proposed innovative evidence-based practice. 2) The quality of evidence-based practice that supports change. 3) Organizational capacity to facilitate change. My research is based on a group of members of my church. This is a Haitian community of about 180 members. I focus on a group of ten English-speaking members

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