Select an effective current health policy that focuses on or affects population health. Topic 7 DQ 2


Effective public health policies ensure that different health populations have better outcomes and communities enjoy better access to care. The Healthy People 2030 is an effective public health policy aimed at improving the lives and wellbeing of Americans through encouraging and implementing initiatives targeted at different demographics through primary care interventions. The Healthy People 2030 focuses on keeping people safe and healthy through laws and policies at local, state, territorial and federal levels. Through using evidence-based approaches and interventions, the policy helps to prevent disease and promotes health (Giroir, 2021). The public health framework establishes informed policies and initiatives targeting individual patients, communities, and health populations to improve outcomes, establish interventions customized to their needs and reduce healthcare expenditure through cost cutting primary care activities like encouraging physical exercise and healthy dietary habits.

As a public policy, this framework has different components that target different demographics, from children to the elderly and recommends diverse measures for people to improve their lives and wellbeing. The policy has several objectives like tobacco use and smoking cessation as well as aspects to improve access to water and reduce disparities, especially among low-income and racial minority groups in the country (Hasbrouck, 2021). The development of this policy arose from the need to improve the health of Americans through primary care initiatives. Factors like increased prevalence of lifestyle and non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, need to optimize resources, and ensuring better care outcomes influenced the development of this initiative. The Healthy People 2030 develops ten-year goals to improve health care by eliminating factors which have negative effects on primary health and wellness (ODPHP, 2022). The implication is that this framework is essential in enhancing the lives of Americans and eliminating increased prevalence of non-communicable diseases.



Giroir, B. P. (2021). Healthy people 2030: A call to action to lead America to healthier lives.

Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 27(6), S222.

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