Select an active bill at the state or federal level that impacts the professional practice of nursing. In a 3-4 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), summarize the provisions of the bill and clearly explain what the bill will accomplish. The paper should be no more than 4 pages, typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. Your review of a bill paper should:

Quality Care Discussion
Nursing professionals will be able to treat clients using buprenorphine for opioid addiction for five years under the H.R. 6 bill. The legislation also allows registered nurses and physicians to treat people with buprenorphine on an ongoing basis, allowing certified clinicians to care for at most 100 patients in their first year rather than the current limit of 30. This is a significant stride ahead in the extension of treatment, which remains one of the most difficult tasks in the battle against the crisis. (2018, Pallone) Buprenorphine is an opioid that is used to alleviate pain and narcotic pain reliever dependency. In the treatment of opioid addiction, drugs like buprenorphine, in conjunction with counseling and behavioral treatments, offer a whole-patient paradigm. 2018 ( Nurses will be able to provide this essential medicine to patients dependent on opioid pain medications under the terms of this law. In my facility, the opioid epidemic is a major issue, and this law provides me the opportunity to assist them. As an O.B./GYN-Postpartum nurse, I’ve seen how opiate addiction affects not just mothers but also infants. This law would assist mothers in receiving treatment and rehabilitation assistance, allowing them a second opportunity to improve their lives and that of their children. I wholeheartedly support the passage of this law.


Addiction Policy Forum. (2018). President Trump Signs the Historic Opioid Package (H.R. 6) into Law! Addiction Policy Forum. Retrieved from

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