The Purpose of assignment module 05 (ASSIGNMENT: DISORDER OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM) is to provide us the future nurses with more knowledge on issues related to sexually transmitted infections. It's essential for us to be very well informed so we can provide analysis and help determine plan care for the patients. As well as provide education on how to prevent and treat the infection. In this assignment, I will inform the audience about the disease called Gonorrhea. I discuss the concepts below, the pathophysiology, the etiology, the clinical manifestations, and the treatment for the sexually transmitted disease Gonorrhea. The Pathophysiology/Etiology: Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital tract and urethra. The gonococcus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, causes Gonorrhea. This type of bacterium is attracted to the mucous membranes found in the genitourinary tract and nearby areas. This process makes it quickly spread through sex. You can get Gonorrhea from any sexual contact, including Anal intercourse, Oral intercourse
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