Security, Privacy, and Confidentiality Laws Related to the Use of PHI in Skilled Nursing Facilities • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Our First Line of Defense • Teamwork in Monitoring: Encourage active monitoring of healthcare teams' social media usage. This collaboration ensures any potentially inappropriate postings can be identified and addressed swiftly. • Training Programs: Regular interdisciplinary training sessions help reinforce the importance of privacy laws and each team member's role in protecting PHI. Do's and Don'ts of Social Media Use Do: • Use social media to share general health advice or official updates from our healthcare institution without revealing PHI. • Promote health education and community events, ensuring all postings are reviewed for PHI compliance. Don't: • Share any images or details from the workplace that might Real-World Consequences • Case Study 1: In Texas, a pediatric nurse posted comments on Facebook about a patient with measles who she cared for. No advertent personal information was disclosed; however, the nurse was terminated for HIPAA violation (HIPAA Journal.2020) • Case Study 2: Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital in Washington faced a $240,000 HIPAA settlement after security guards snooped through medical records, affecting 419 individuals. This breach underscores the need for stringent access controls and regular staff training to protect patient privacy and comply with HIPAA regulations (Rights (OCR), 2023). • Social Media Policies: Implement comprehensive social media guidelines that are regularly updated to reflect the latest legal standards and best practices. • Risk Assessments: Conduct periodic assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities in social media usage and PHI protection

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