School Uniforms Reduce and Prevent Bullying



School uniforms have brought out many discussions at school board meetings among staff and students. Many people might think that school uniforms are taking away students' and people’s rights. The uniforms are less expensive than any other shirt or clothing brand and that's why parents like uniforms. Students should be required to wear uniforms because it prevents bullying and it creates a safer school environment.

First, uniforms prevent bullying in many schools. Uniforms have been proved that helps prevent students from being verbally or physically bullied. Students think that they should be judged by a clothing brand. There are many stories based on bullying and peer pressure in schools. Just because students think they need to have that brand and if not they can not be popular or like the others. According to an article,“Parents and students can be taught to resist peer pressure to buy expensive name-brand clothing through education about the true creators of this pressure”(Wilkins). This statement proves that by wearing uniforms not only students but parents as well can resist and prevent peer pressure. School uniforms are important for many parents because they can be less expensive than other brands.

In addition, these types of clothing make everyone equal; no one is better than another. A piece of clothing should not change the way a person is being looked at or even judged. Many students think that they might be better than others just because they have a Nike brand or Hollister brand shirt instead of a different type of brand or a dollar store shirt. In an article, it states that “There wasn't that need to compete with name brands and things like that, so it kind of eases that competition, that social factor, that a lot of times, especially at the high school level, exists”(Shriver). This quote proves that it is true; there is a lot of competition in students. If there were policies for school clothing, there wouldn't be many equality problems. Students need to be put on the right track because they tend to bully their classmates and not knowing they have money problems at home. By implementing the uniforms, no one needs to compete in their type of clothing brand because everyone will be equal.

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