RUA: Scholarly Article Review

Introduction The purpose of the paper is to explain the diagnostic delays in bipolar disorder in clinical disorders. The article focuses on ways to minimize the current diagnostic delays experienced in healthcare settings. Numerous healthcare systems issues are exacerbating diagnostic delays for bipolar and are the reason for adverse health outcomes in patients (Szmulewicz et al., 2019). According to the article, global reports explain that approximately 70% of patients with bipolar disease wait for years before they get a chance to consult with healthcare practitioners. Healthcare practitioners are working towards creating initiatives and educational programs. There is a need to investigate some of the factors responsible for increasing diagnostic delays for patients with bipolar disease. Article Summary Alejandro et al. (2019) investigate the diagnostic delays in healthcare for patients with bipolar and the possible solutions to this issue. According to the research article, the researchers used patients from four different psychiatric centers as subjects of the research on bipolar.The research participants were from other countries such as Argentina, Santiago, Chile, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jujuy, and Asunción, Paraguay, and they participated in the research from 2015 to 2017(Szmulewicz et al., 2019). According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

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