Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations College of Nursing and Health Care Professions, Grand Canyon University

Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Background of Study Falls among our older population is a serious issue within facilities and communities. The term fall is defined as an unintentional event in which the body moves from its initial position to a lower level, with incapacity for immediate correction, destabilizing the individual (Vaccaro Tako, Costa, de Lima Marinho, Santos das Neves, dos Santos, Santos Lopes, Andrade, Barreto Alves, 2017). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1800 seniors living at home and within nursing homes die annually from falls and fall-related injuries (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Those who survive sustain injuries that may temporarily or permanently cause disability and even death. Healthcare provider who work within the realm of home health care, assisted living, rehabilitation, and long-term care facilities, know the alarming rates that falls occur, and the potential hazards that it creates. The practice problem identified in this research project addresses the issue of falls among the elderly population, community resources offered related to fall prevention, and the positive and negative outcomes of those who agree to be educated and those who decline. The purpose of this project is to serve our aging population in both the community and skilled nursing/medical facilities by providing education and interventions rooted in evidence-based practice, aimed at decreasing the incidence of falls and promoting quality of life. Nurses are the primary providers and educators of the healthcare field, and the community looks to nursing professionals to provide valuable information that will be essential to their wellbeing. Nurses and other medical professionals should take pride in every opportunity to inform both the aging community and their families

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