Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Examples – 2 Research Critique: Compassion fatigue


Research on compassion fatigue has been completed identifying the problems faced by most oncology as well as emergency nurses. Compassion fatigue has been compared to burnout, displaced traumatization displaced traumatization, secondary disturbing stress disorder, compassion stress among other problem affecting the quality of service among nurses. Nurses experiencing compassion fatigue identified as having a contrasting view about the nursing practices and patient care. Study by Coetzee, & Klopper (2010), notes that “Nurses, self-identified as having compassion fatigue, described a change in their practice by which they began to shield and distance themselves from the suffering of patients and families.” That reduces the time that the nurses would have used to treat the patients and families. This creates a divide that affects not only the relationship between patients and nurses but also, the overall delivery of care.

Background of study

Among the problems facing the nursing practice today, compassion fatigue is the top problem affecting especially the oncology and emergency department nurses. The problem affects the overall healthcare leading to job dissatisfaction, poor quality of care and retention in nursing workforce. Different qualitative research has been completed addressing this problem and the factors contributing to the escalating cases of compassion fatigue. However, most methods used in these studies are not conclusive enough to provide results highlighting where this problem begin and which concrete measures need to be taken to solve the problem in the future of nursing practice. Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Examples.

Problem statement

Given the increased cases of unproductivity in nursing practice, the study by Petleski, T. A. (2013) aimed to study the contributing factors leading to poor quality of services among nurses especially those working in emergency nurse department. Compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion stress are identified as the leading factors affecting the nurses especially those working in busy and engaging departments. Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Examples. Although efforts to address this problem has since been advocated and emphasized, little change has been experienced escalating the extents of this problem to other departments such as oncology nursing department. Increased nursing turnover, limited nursing staffs, working for long hours (overworking), lack of management are identified factors contributing to this problem.

Significance to nursing study

According to a qualitative research by Sheppard, K. (2016), “Frequently, nurses with compassion fatigue talk about sleepless nights as they worry about what they forgot to do at work or replay disturbing events in their minds.” This is just a tip of the iceberg of what the nurses experiencing compassion fatigue suffer from. Quantifying research has proven that addressing this problem not only has the potential of attracting more nurses into the workforce, but also improve patient’s outcome in the long run. Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Examples The important of this study in nursing practice cannot be understated, it’s integral in the practice of nursing to solve the traumatic experiences nurses go through.

Purpose and Research questions

In a research study Compassion Fatigue and Burnout. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in inpatient nursing units and outpatient clinics in a cancer center in the midwestern United States. If compassion fatigue is identified before worsening, would nurse behavior change? Would patient’s outcome improve? Would the reputation of hospital health care improve? Studying how fast compassion fatigue can be identified in the nurses can appear to make the article a quantitative study, yet the study is conducted in a qualitative manner.

Discussion of method of study

The study by Maytum, Heiman, & Garwick, (2004) is a is a descriptive qualitative pilot research. The study interviewed about twenty experienced nurses working with kids affected by chronic conditions. The study sought to obtain their experiences regarding their daily work and how the work could have affected their personal lives. Compassion fatigue is mostly experienced by nurses working in engaging and busy units such as emergency nursing department and oncology department. The study however, concentrated on interviewing nurses working with children faced with chronic condition. Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Examples. That would partially provide data

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