Role of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

The post is focused on the role of a registered nurse to provide patient care through the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP), also referred to as validated clinical interventions. The explanation of the concept is provided in detail, and it is stated that EBP is the valuable approach intended to utilize modern techniques to benefit patients’ wellbeing. It is shown, in the post, that customer satisfaction is achieved through better service delivery with the use of EBP. Moreover, the opposite is also discussed by examining reasons of resistance to adopting the concept in the regular implementation in the clinical setting. The potential issues, such as scarcity of time and knowledge among nursing practitioners and barriers to integration in the workplace setting, are outlined based on the trustful source. However, the instances of how practitioners can encourage the integration of EBP are provided based on abstract situations and reliable evidence.


The post lack information regarding the steps of implementation of EBP to ensure the readers’ correct understanding of the entire concept. The stages of EBP application are: Ask a question about what could be improved and why, acquire the current evidence through a literature search, and appraise the literature to ensure the utilization of credible resources (Wilson, & Mary-Jean, 2021). Then, the findings can be applied to clinical decision-making, evaluation of outcomes obtained can be conducted, and the information, which might be helpful to others, disseminated (Wilson, & Mary-Jean, 2021). Moreover, it is vital to examine levels of evidence to ensure the understanding of what sources of information are validated, relevant and can be used to implement EBP. The highest methodological quality evidence is obtained from randomized controlled tries or clinical practice guidelines, while the least credible is evidence from the opinion of authorities (Dang & Dearholt, 2018). EBP can be a vital addition to day-to-day clinical practice and can result in better care outcomes.


Dang, D., & Dearholt, S.L. (2018). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model & guidelines (3rd ed). Sigma Theta Tau International.

Wilson, B., & Mary-Jean, A. (2021). What is Evidence-Based Practice?Accelerate.

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