Role difference between Direct and Indirect Care providers

Role difference between Direct and Indirect Care providers

Indirect care providers role previously seen as one that focused on a  patient population but the provision of advanced nursing care for the patient population and the and the application of staff development programs has brought changes. However, the direct care providers were recognized as the main caregivers within the health care system (Gresham and Rose, 2002).


There have been numerous changes occurring within the health care systems over the recent times that have advanced the development of both the direct and indirect care provider’s roles. These changes have founded an unsuitable distribution of physicians, hence resulting to scarce care providers. The indirect care provider’s role has experienced significant changes as these care providers broaden the practice setting for the nursing population. These have made the direct care providers acknowledge the financial benefits of the indirect care providers.

Similarities of the direct care providers and indirect care provided

There are many features of direct and indirect care providers that are similar. Nevertheless, the two roles have provided affluence that nursing needs to defend and safeguard Gresham, and Rose, 2002). The two roles have effectively served patients; the direct role providers certified with increasing public awareness of advanced nursing practice, and indirect care providers recognized with an advanced level of nursing with an objective toward perception-based practice. Mutually the two groups need to focus on matters that strengthen the advanced health care system, to effectively meet the needs of the patients. Also, problems such as; marketing and contractual considerations, advanced nursing in organizational structures and cultures, development of health policies issues in the changing environment, and also improved understanding of the regulatory and credentialing requirements (Gresham and Rose, 2002). Finally, recognizing new directions for the direct care providers, and uniting advanced nursing practice and education will improve the intensity of care for all patients.

In conclusion, both direct and indirect care providers possess the skills and knowledge that promote the implementation of their unique roles in a variety of settings. The knowledge and competence attained by direct and indirect roles permit the care providers to function at multiple and varied levels within the health care system. With the two significant roles, nursing can achieve its mission and provide health care to all individuals and advance the healthcare system with an objective of promoting advanced health services, wellness, and prevention.

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