Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Work and IOM Report

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Work and IOM Report
The work of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative led to IOM
identified a need for higher level education for nurses and mastery of clinical and nursing skills
by nurses (Sullivan, 2018). The potential impact of better educated and trained nursing
workforce include a reduction in medical errors, lower mortality rates, and cost efficiency in care
delivery. The committee outlined the transformation in nursing profession that is essential in
attaining the evolving healthcare needs of the population and innovative models of nurse
leadership (Sullivan, 2018). The committee report outlined four major messages that comprise
the report and potential impact on nursing practice. The report highlighted the importance of
state-based action coalitions in promoting identified goals.

Four Key Messages of Transforming Nursing

The report entails four key messages that structure the content and recommendations
outlined by the report. The first message is that nurses should practice to the full extent of their

education and training scope. This message acknowledges that nurses play a vital role in shaping
the nature of the entire healthcare system due to their unique contribution. There is a need to
update both federal and state policies and regulatory framework that determine the scope of
advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) (Sullivan, 2018). New systems and technologies
will push nursing professionals towards acute care setting and regulatory bodies should allow
nurses to practice to the extent of their education. An example is removing the regulatory barriers
that hinder scope of practice since nurses can become health coaches, primary care providers,
and informatics in various settings including care homes and accountable care organizations
(Stringer, 2019).
The second message is that nurses should attain higher levels of education and training
through an education system that promotes academic progression. The committee highlighted
that a major transformation of the entire health care system require an equally profound change
in education of nursing professionals, before and after licensure (Sullivan, 2018). A higher
education of nurses will ensure improvements in standards of care offered to patients and offer
flexibility in responding to change in science and technology. The framework should include
continuous and lifelong education, continuing competence, and residency programs. The
message calls for continuous professional development to maintain pace with rapid changes in
health care system demands (Sullivan, 2018). An example is ensuring accrediting organizations
mandate mastery of managerial competencies and professional development to complement
university degrees and board examinations. Another example is design of special nursing
programs for acute care settings by higher education institutions to promote mastery of clinical
skills (Stringer, 2019).

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