Review the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence webpage on Domestic Violence Statistics: Prevalence of Domestic Violence (Links to an external site.) which gives statistics among various categories of race, age, gender, ethnic background, etc. After reviewing this article, post a statement of how the role of the human service professional can be effective in this situation. What was your personal reaction to the vast array of statistics for this crisis? Domestic Violence Statistics Essay

It is difficult to create a profile of the typical domestic abuser, as they come from all walks of life. People who commit domestic violence can include spouses, former spouses, adults in current or past intimate relationships, adults related by blood or marriage, and those who have a parent-child relationship. Abusers appear in all types of families, regardless of income, profession, region, ethnicity, level of education or race. Most research claims that abusers are usually male, but this may also be because of male victims of female abusers being too ashamed to come forward. The abuser likely witnessed domestic abuse as a child, as it has been found that at minimum 60% of men who batter were raised in homes where they themselves were …show more content…
Physical abuse includes bodily assaults, use of any weapon to create harm, purposely dangerous driving, property destruction, forcing the victim to view pets being abused, barring the victim from home, and sleep deprivation. Sexual abuse is rape, sexual degradation, forced sexual pain, forced unprotected sex, and using sexually debasing slurs. Emotional abuse involves insults, put downs, mind games, name calling, guilt tripping, making all of the other person’s decisions, and defining the other person’s role in the relationship. Social abuse is purposeful isolation from loved ones through methods such as ongoing insolence to family and friends, relocating to new places where the victim does not know anyone, and preventing the victim from meeting other people. Economic abuse is the abuser stopping the victim from keeping an independent income, demanding the victim’s money, controlling money, and not allowing the victim any influence on financial decisions. Finally, spiritual abuse is refusing access to religious services, preventing religious observance, forcing victims contradict their beliefs, scorn of cultural traditions, or using religion or culture as a motive for abuse. However, despite the wide variety of subcategories within domestic abuse, only behavior which is considered to be criminal by state law can trigger prosecution. For instance, if an abuser uses bodily force or threatens to do so and clearly could, the abuse is an assault. Meanwhile, the emotional and economic abuse common in many abusive relationships is not prosecuted as these factors usually do not meet the court’s requirements to be considered a legal Domestic Violence Statistics Essay

Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft

“Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.” (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. This can happen to any child, man or woman. This is a horrific crime. Women are more likely to be the victim in domestic violence than men. “Forty-five percent of all violent attacks against female victims 12 years old  Domestic Violence Statistics Essay
This act of abuse is when the victim is being touched or sexual act is being preformed is unwanted. The abuser sometimes uses this tactic as a punishment. “Financial abuse is the use or misuse, without the partner’s freely given consent, of the financial or other monetary resources of the partner or of the partnership.” (Types of Domestic Abuse). The abuser will keep the victim(s) away from their jobs, which will cause them to lose money and eventually get fired. The abuser will also create conflict with the victim’s coworkers. They will also take the victim’s credit cards and will also take control of their bank account(s) and control their spending. “Identity abuse is using personal characteristics to demean, manipulate and control the partner…tactics overlap with other forms of abuse, particularly emotional abuse…comprised of the social “isms”, including racism, sexism, ageism, able-ism, beauty-ism, as well as homophobia.” (Type of Domestic Abuse). The abuser will stereotype the victims(s) by their ethnicity, race, sexuality, or gender. They will also humiliate them and judge them by their behavior and how they do things. This will also lower the victim’s self esteem and self confidence. These types of abuse are very dangerous psychologically and physically. Domestic Violence Statistics Essay

Domestic violence is the “verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse of one’s partner” (Alejo, 2014). Domestic violence and intimate partner abuse have been issues in our communities for hundreds of years. As early as Roman societies, women were under the control of their husbands and treat

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