Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing workforce development, and how they continue to advance the goals for the nursing profession.

IOM Report Recommendations

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IOM Report Recommendations
In order to provide patients with affordable, coordinated, and high-quality healthcare, the United States must redesign healthcare regulations in the nursing field. This paper seeks to delve into ways the Robert Wood Foundation supported the IOM report, the four major messages that impacted or affected nursing, the function of state coalitions and efforts in my state coalition, as well as advancement barriers.


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative is one of the major initiatives entrusted with ensuring that nurses have the skills they need to satisfy the needs of an evolving healthcare system and public care in America. The initiative provided suggestions in a variety of areas, including the delivery of nursing care despite the nation’s nurse deficit. It also provided suggestions on the nursing school system’s capacity to train nurses to fulfill the requirements of patients. To reform the healthcare industry, the initiative suggested measures that should be performed at the federal, state, and local levels. It offered strategies for addressing the nation’s nurse scarcity, expanding nursing faculty, and increasing the capability of nursing schools. The initiative also provided suggestions for changing nursing education to ensure that adequate and qualified nurses are produced to satisfy current and future care needs. Furthermore, it highlighted strategies for attracting and retaining nurses in various health-care contexts, including primary care, community, long-term care, and acute care settings (National Academies of Sciences, 2016).
Key Messages
The initiative pointed out four key messages that have influenced nursing practice, training, leadership, education, and workforce enhancement. Nurses have been hampered in their efforts to bring about necessary changes in the healthcare system due to policies regulations, and historical concerns. The scope of practice has been set by states, which has an impact on nurses’ capacity to practice. Certain states have placed restrictions on the scope of practice, preventing nurses from practicing to the full extent of their education and training (National Academies of Sciences, 2016). Nurses, for example, are not permitted to administer medications or give treatment without the oversight of a physician. Certain states, on the other hand, have removed the restrictions, allowing advanced practice nurses to treat patients and administer medications without the oversight of doctors. Based on their education and training, they are capable of working independently. The majority of the issues raised in the report were due to weak state rules, according to the initiative. As a result, the federal government is expected to effect change through collecting and disseminating best practices, as well as providing opportunities to promote their implementation. The government must ensure that physicians and nurses collaborate to enhance patient care.
Physicians oppose nurse practitioners because they regard them as competition to their professional positions. Professional cooperation will be encouraged in the health system (National Academies of Sciences, 2016).
Nursing education has transformed as a result of the report, with nurses achieving the maximum degree of training and education by easily moving from one level to the next. The committee initiative proposed that the number of nurses who have a bachelor’s degree be increased. It also called for a rise in the number of master’s and doctoral-degreed nurses to guarantee that there are enough nurses to conduct research, educate, and deliver treatment in primary care settings (National Academies of Sciences, 2016). Nurses should be able to go from licensed occupational nurses to licensed practical nurses to an undergraduate degree in nursing within the nursing system of education. Those holding a bachelor’s degree in nursing might consider pursuing a master’s degree in nursing or a doctorate in nursing practice. Nurses will be sufficiently equipped to give care to a wide range of patients and operate autonomously as a result of the paths. By supporting the collection of information and the utilization of information systems, the Committee’s report has revolutionized the advancement of the nursing profession. To reform the healthcare system and the workplace, there has to be a mix of abilities and ideas among physicians, nurses, and other workers. The absence of accurate and trustworthy information makes workforce management difficult. For example, there is a lack of accurate information on the quantity and types of health practitioners, as well as where they operate, their function

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