Review the Case of Jerry and Case of Sal. Conduct an Internet search for the Static 99 assessment. Complete the Static 99 assessment for either Jerry or Sal. Determine the selected offender’s level of risk based on his assessment results. Write a 1,050 word paper discussing treatment options for the selected offender.

Treatment Based on Risks

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Treatment Based on Risks
It is critical to find the right therapy for all offenders. Based on the nature of the offense, treatment for persons who have committed sexual crimes might be exceedingly rigorous. A variety of variables may influence the sort of therapy that each offender requires. When determining the correct therapy for an offender, the offender’s needs must also be taken into account. This paper seeks to provide a case summary of Jerry, a 53-year old male who is presently in jail after he raped a young girl. The paper will also give an overview of Static 99 assessment results that were obtained of Jerry. His treatment options, including those that help reduce recidivism, will be discussed.
Case Summary
Jerry, a 53-year-old man, is scheduled to be freed from jail in less than two weeks. He was found guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl. He was sentenced to 20 years in jail as a result of his actions. Jerry admitted his sexual desire to young girls during his first intake interview. He also acknowledged having trouble managing such desires, claiming that this was the only reason he raped the little girl, resulting in his detention. Jerry has been receiving counseling while in jail and is well conscious that this will continue following his release.


Assessment Results
The Static 99 assessment is designed to examine males above 18 who are being discharged back into society. The assessment is the most widely used tool on the planet. The evaluation assesses the risk of sex offender recidivism as well as the long-term prospects of sexual offenders. When completing the assessment, details including the perpetrator’s age when he will be freed, criminal background, and victim’s aspects, like gender and relation to the perpetrator, are considered to determine his likelihood of repeating offenses. He received a -1 because of his age and the age he would be when freed. Three places were identified as potentially risky. He never lived with his victim, he was not related to his victim, and the victim was a stranger, among other things that were discovered. Jerry obtained a score of two after summing the scores. This puts him in Risk Level III, which means he has an average chance of being convicted or imprisoned for another future sexual assault (Static-99R Coding Form, 2016).
Treatment Options Based on Risk Level
Jerry’s risk level suggests that community-based therapy might be preferable. He may be followed and examined while obtaining much-needed treatment in this manner. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, abbreviated as CBT, is one example of these kinds of treatments. CBT is a treatment method that combines behavioral and cognitive concepts, as well as psychology and procedures (Mpofu et al., 2018). CBT is premised on the offender’s capacity to acquire, integrate, retain, and apply information to regulate their conduct. This therapy paradigm connects the offender’s conduct to their thoughts, ideas, perspectives, and logical reasoning, as well as why and what drives the offender’s ideas and reactions to a scenario.
Individuals’ conduct is influenced by cognitive behavior, which is controlled by their experiences and ideologies. Emotions influence a person’s thinking, which in turn influence their conduct (Green, 2016). CBT is extensively utilized and most successful in managing sexual offenses (Kim, Benekos & Merlo, 2018). Jerry’s unlawful conduct was fuelled by his sexual desire for young females, according to his admittance. Therefore, CBT, both individual and group therapy as well as drug therapy under the direction and guidance of a mental health professional, would be very beneficial to him.
Jerry would benefit from medicines like gonadotropin-releasing hormones, antidepressants, and steroidal antiandrogens in reducing his aberrant behavior. CBT, in combination with drug therapy, has been demonstrated to diminish aberrant thoughts and sexual desire in sex offenders (Kim, Benekos & Merlo, 2018). Cognitive-behavioral therapy aids offenders in their recovery and minimizes recidivism, allowing them to live a meaningful life.
Recidivism Rates for Similar Sex Offenses
Jerry is one of several sexual offenders who are about to be freed or have already been freed. These offenders, like Jerry, have undergone post-incarceration therapy and follow-up therapy following their freedom. Recidivism is a grave concern that attracts a lot of attention.
Numerous researches on the efficacy of treatment regimens have been undertaken all around the globe. Statistics from ten follow-up analyses of adult male sexual offenders employing a sample of 4,724 offenders as represented by fres

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