Review of a Bill: H.R. 6 The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act Summary and Major Provisions of the Bill

H.R. 6 contains public health, Medicare, and Medicaid changes aimed at combating the opioid problem by expanding treatment and rehabilitation programs, increasing prevention, safeguarding populations, and strengthening measures to fight illegal synthetic substances such as fentanyl. The House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee sanctioned the bill’s provisions via conventional procedure (2018, The Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act, or H.R. 6, is a dual-party measure designed to mitigate the country’s opioid addiction issue. The historic law contains necessary measures for expanding and reinforcing the manpower to educate on addictive medicines. It also entails standardization of addictive medication delivery and expanding access to high-quality, evidence-based treatment, as well as addressing addictive medication in a manner that makes integrated and holistic care easier to provide (ASAM, 2018). The primary aim of this law is to assist millions of addicts and their families. Its aim is to increase the number of services available that will encompass rehabilitation, treatment, and prevention.

The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act

Legislation and Relevant Facts
Members of the Senate and House have paid close focus to the [opioid] problem during the 115th Congress. The House of Representatives approved more than 50 measures in June, which were subsequently merged to become H.R. 6. Simultaneously, the Senate was drafting a related bill, the Opioid Crisis Response Act, which drew feedback from more than 70 legislators and was eventually incorporated into H.R.
Both the Senate and House easily approved this finalized bill in September and October 2018, delivering the President the most detailed package of national legislation ever created to combat addiction, which he promulgated on October 24, 2018. This bill will, among other things, assist in addressing the horrific opioid epidemic whereas also guaranteeing that multitudes of communities, families, individuals, and affected by addiction get the treatment, attention, and services they require and feel entitled to (Addiction Policy Forum, 2018).
Greg Walden, a Republican, introduced H.R. 6 (115th): SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act. He is the 2nd congressman for Oregon. On J une 13, 2018, the bill was unveiled. On June 22, 2018, the measure was approved by the House of Representatives. After that, it was sent to the Senate. The Senate approved the bill on September 17, 2018, with amendments not included in the House draft and then submitted it back to the House for approval. The revised legislative version of Passed the House with an Amendment was released on September 28, 2018. On October 3, 2018, both houses of Congress approved the measure in the same form. The law was then sent to the President, who could approve or reject it. On October 24, 2018, it was passed and approved by the President, and it became official.
Key Supporters and Stakeholders
The legislation, which includes measures to minimize emerging addictions and increase accessibility to care, particularly medication-assisted therapy, is widely seen as a significant stride ahead by most parties (Guyer & Mann, 2018).

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