Research on Effect of Gambling on the Premier League and Its Viewers


The British Premier League and Championship form the world’s most well-attended soccer leagues, that are accompanied by different experiences such as gambling. Many contemporary studies have attempted to find the connection between gambling and addiction to the viewers and how it affects the audience negatively or positively. Gambling advertising is heavily financed and, in recent years, has gotten even more sophisticated. The existence and prevalence of gambling advertising are increasing, such that the features or patterns connected with gambling advertising and marketing may be empirically understood. On this fast-moving phenomenon, nevertheless, there are little data.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 4
1.1. Background 4
1.2. Research Aim 5
1.3. Research Objectives 5
2.0 Literature Review 5
3.0 Research Methodology 7
4.0 Analysis and Discussion 7
4.1. Limitation 8
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 8
References 10
Appendix 11
Appendix A: Questionnaire 11

1.0 Introduction

1.1. Background

Gambling advertisements are well-funded and have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. Along with the growing prevalence, empirical knowledge of the traits and patterns associated with developing gambling advertisements and marketing becomes increasingly important. However, there is a paucity of data on this rapidly evolving phenomenon. Internationally, the intricacy and availability of gaming have continuing to expand; the incidence, range, and intensity of gambling advertising have also increased in recent years. This expansion is supported by substantial industry spending, particularly in nations that previously liberalised gambling like the UK and Australia (Sharman, Ferreira, and Newall, 2019). Estimates show that marketing and promotion expenditures in the Australian gambling sector have risen by 33 per cent annually in 2011 to 173 million dollars in 2018. UK expenditure in industry increased by more than 17 per cent each year between 2014 and 2018, reaching an estimated £1.5 billion. This marketing expenditure is 10.34 per cent of the UK gambling industry’s overall return estimated at £14.5 billion in 2018 ((Torrance et al., 2021). Such money has led to sophisticated publicity efforts being broadcast through traditional media, such as TV and sports sponsoring.

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Moreover, web and social media marketing have adapted these tactics to the digital world. This change to the internet environment has given unbroken advertising space to gambling companies, notably during the Covid-19 epidemic. Therefore, there is no effect on decreasing exposure in young and vulnerable audiences in trying to reduce television gaming (as observed in Britain) during lock-down hours (Newall, 2017).

Emerging literature has shown gaming to be a compounded public health problem. The detrimental consequences of play and related advertising, including on children and young people, suggest that they extend beyond populations of disorderly players and are obvious over the whole range of harm.Recent systemic studies and narrative studies have shown that gambling publicizing facilitates inducible or craving gambling intents, increased involvement, and betting risks compared to previous reviews on alcohol and tobacco (Sharman, Ferreira and Newall,2019). These analyses nevertheless also reveal significant methodological shortcomings in the existing gambling publicity research. In the research, the self-reported impacts of advertisement exposure are highlighted, in particular among disordered players. A disordered player’s empirical focus might pathologize the problem of advertising-induced gambling damage (Sharman, Ferreira and Newall 2019). This fact can attract attention away from publicity-induced harm to low-moderate risk players. In addition, memory and self-reporting distractions are typically hindering the self-reported effects of gambling advertising. This view can, though partly, be because of the effect of a third party, in which people are more likely than themselves to recognize the influence of marketing (Torrance et al., 2021). There is, by contrast, a pau

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