Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. You will then use the PowerPoint during your Kaltura recording. Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem: Problem Statement Background Landscape Options Recommendations Remember that topic must be related to psychiatry


Slide 1:

In this PowerPoint, I will be explaining about problem statement, discover the background,

explain the landscape of the problem, discover the options, and make recommendations.

Slide 2:

To begin with, Fast food is a staple of many people's diets in the United States. As a result, the

United States now faces a serious obesity epidemic that is worsening year after year. Obesity

has a number of negative effects on people, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and

strokes, all of which are linked to obesity (Cedeno, 2019). Governments must also guard their

economies against the effects of obesity and related diseases, which can have a significant

impact on commercial productivity, medical costs, social services, and even culture. The

government needs to do more about obesity because obesity rates are rising, many kids and

adults are being victims of obesity and they don’t even know it. Can the government officials

support obesity initiatives, services and education in suburbs on a constructive basis?

Slide 3:

Obesity is a complicated disease that can strike anyone at any time. The social and physical

environment, genetics, medical history, and habits such as poor diet and physical inactivity all

have a role in obesity. Childhood abuse has also been linked to an increased risk of obesity

(Rhee et al., 2018). Obesity is a significant issue in suburban Cook County, Illinois, which has

about 2.4 million people. 59.3 % of adults and 40% of third-grade students in suburban Cook

County are overweight or obese (CDC, 2020). It has long been observed that about 40% of

overweight children will continue to have increased weight during adolescence, and 75−80% of

obese adolescents will become obese adults (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019). Obesity has been

linked to a poor diet and lack of physical activity. Three out of every four adults in Cook County

do not consume the recommended amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, and the majority of

adults are not physically active. If you are not physically active enough, you will not utilize the

energy provided by the food you eat, and the excess energy will be stored as fat by your body.

Only about 31% have access to fitness (CDC, 2020). Specific initiatives target high-risk groups in

addition to measures aimed at the general population of this community. Chronic disease

affects low-income populations in suburban Cook County disproportionately.

Slide 4:

Healthcare workers are valuable members of the care team in prevention and treatment. They

administer primary health care to people, families, and communities, promoting health,

preventing illness, and providing health care services. Obesity is a complicated issue. A general

practitioner may be able to assist with weight loss. Obesity and related health conditions are

treated by a bariatric healthcare specialist who has received specialized training. A bariatrician is

another term for this type of healthcare provider. No political or legal factors, only social,

economical, practical, and quality care factors are applicable.

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