Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.). Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade. Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following: Describe the health care organization or network

This paper will examine Banner Health as an organization which will term in various
states in the United States. The focus will be on assessment and proposes strategic plan to ensure
readiness, description of Banner Health, strategic plan to address issues relating to network
growth, identify any potential issues inside the organizational, and strategic plan implementation

Introduction and Background

Banner Healthcare System is a philanthropic association found mainly in Arizona,
California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada and Wyoming. It is an American human services
framework and one of the greatest worthless healthcare organizations in the United States with
excess of 28 emergency clinics and various particular unit and 5,000 workers. It gives
administrations like: long term care, recovery, outpatient medical procedure, drug store, home
care, centers laboratories, hospice care, residential rehabilitation centers care, crisis care, and
surgery; additionally it begins overseeing essential consideration doctor facilities in certain
states. It was made in 1999 after Samaritan and Lutheran health system was combined. Banner
Healthcare System has strategic: "to generate any kind of effect and change in individuals' lives
through an exceptional patient consideration (Banner Health, 2014)". Since its establishment, the
organization had a great arrangement and visions that advantages; it develops in both standing
and size. In this manner, Banner Healthcare System is widely perceived crosswise over United
States for its effective well-being model, and components, for example, organize development,
nurture staffing, asset the board, and patient fulfillment and joy.
Organization's Overall Readiness

At Banner Healthcare System, completely drawn in worker is considered as the focal
point of conveying patients with exceptional care. It esteems assortment and offers colossal


profession alternative with superb advantages for staff that are hoping to roll out an improvement
in the networks. Banner healthcare system takes a delight or pride in the commercial center with
regard to association and participation, which is transmitted to its representative with the
submitted gatherings of collaborators. It is accessible in both urban networks and rustic networks
to ensure that the administrations conveyed by the association arrive at a limit of populace. The
organization set the hierarchical worth, which is acknowledged by the representatives; it accepts
also in steadiness, accomplishment and professional success for workers whom adhere to the
organization. The two class’s new up-and-comers and prepared professional are welcome to the
organization. Banner Healthcare System has set up an organization with the University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center; one of the first three exhaustive cancer focuses in the United
States made by the National Cancer demonstration of 1971 and has built a $90 million in Gilbert,
Arizona for cancer center (James, 2013).
Apart from the worth that Banner Healthcare System transmits to the network it
encourages; it also conveys an incentive to representatives such that the two bunches
comprehend the estimation of the organization; and the workers can offer or transmit further a
similar worth or more than they have when conveying care to the networks. Along these lines,
representatives have a huge obligation in advancing the strategic the organization and
guaranteeing regularization in nature of administrations. Banner Healthcare System organizes
and thinks about that an extraordinary support of its populace is crucial for the proceeded with
superior that sets up its standing. The association is submitted or devoted to fortifying patient
care by continuous center around improving patient results and development of administrations
and use of new advancements, improvement, and preparing of staff.


With the presence of the organization in numerous states (six altogether) in addition to
the availability of assets which places it, after Wall-Mart, the second greatest boss of youngsters
and ladies in USA (James, 2013), and the procedure for expansion and organization, it is clearly
conceivable that Banner Healthcare could be capable to deal with the increment of the patients’
needs in the future. To do this, it looks Banner Healthcare System work the executives program
coordinates the association well and plans to be the leader in a logically and troublesome
worldwide commercial center with

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