Religion in Schools: Is There a Place for It? Pros and Cons



Why should religion be taught in schools? If you’re writing an argumentative or persuasive essay on pros and cons of religion in schools, this sample is for you.



The discussion of religious studies in schools is a subject that has elicited contention in academic circles. Scholars are divided on whether or not religious studies should be taught in schools. The subject matter has also brought out controversy among curriculum developers. The main issue of contention revolves around establishing the boundary between religion and state.

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Religious studies are critical in raising morally upright citizens in a nation. Although it is possible to reject the move to offer religious studies in schools based on the claim that parents should instill morals in their children at home, it is crucial to realize that many contemporary parents are usually busy to the extent that getting time to share moral stories with their kids is almost impossible. Hence, with this foundation, the paper argues that there is a place for religious studies in schools today and that the benefits of studying religion outweigh the demerits.

Why Should Religion Be Taught in Schools?

The main argument in favor of teaching religion in schools is that it helps to instill good morals in people. It also promotes faith as religious freedom and helps explain complicated life issues not addressed by other disciplines.


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