Relationship between doctors and patients using the four different perspectives outlined by Werner

Relationship between doctors and patients using the four different perspectives outlined by


Four different perspectives outlined by Werner


Anne Werner, outlined four perspectives of doctor-patient relationship that include the
roles and the power structures existing in doctor’s practice. The first is illness as a social
deviance as the patient seeks help and cooperates with the doctor (Werner, 2011, para 1). The
perspective focuses on acute diseases and offers idealized image of doctor-patient relationship.
The second is the illness as an outcome of power and inequality that outline that doctors’ yield
superior power in relation to other professions due to social positioning of the medicine field.
The patients are afraid of being perceived as medically ill or unhealthy (Werner, 2011, para 2).
The third perspective is the illness as stigma since personal interactions influence doctor patient
relationship. External characteristics like manners of speech and movement influence the
interactions and thus patients should make effort to remain assertive and maintain appropriate
clothing manner. The fourth perspective is the illness as a social construction as power in the
medical gaze shapes patient’s behaviors and symptoms (Werner, 2011, para 4). In this case,
social-constructivist regards the diagnosis as an expression of social control and reflection of
existing medical discourse.


The cooperation model of medical consultation fails to consider inequalities in
knowledge and power although doctors cannot exceed the professional guidelines without
incurring adverse consequences. The notion of power is necessary good practice of medical
consultations despite risk of violations.

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