Reflecting on this course, consider and answer the following questions: How do you envision using the AACN essentials and information learned in this course to identify, guide, and evaluate your practicum project? How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice?


  • NR 500 has been an excellent introductory course on the path towards a master’s of science in nursing degree.  By taking time to review scholarly literature and formulate my own opinions through deeper thinking and review of proven research, I have developed an excitement for the future of my nursing practice and the profession I share with each of you. While there is much work yet to be done, the foundation laid in this course will help bridge the new concepts that will be learned in future courses and ultimately my role in advanced practice nursing. Graduate nursing education plays a key role in health care reform and transformation. Use of evidence-based practice, informatics, patient driven, and patient centered care is the core of an MSN education (Finkelman, 2012.) It is the utilization of these acquired skills and knowledge after the MSN is attained that truly displays its value while bringing about positive change to healthcare. As I approach my practicum project, I will utilize the knowledge of translating scholarship into practice through evidence-based practice to recognize, perform, and measure an outcome that will improve nursing practice and correlate with my chosen specialty track of nurse education. One example might be to further resolve the practice problems associated with surgical site infections by advancing nurse education to prevent these infections through scholarly literature and proven preventative outcomes. Based on American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) Essential IV of Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing, graduate nurses must have the necessary skills to bring evidence-based practice forward to improve the care decisions, apply research to practice, resolve problems, and work as change agents for improvement in nursing practice (AACN, 2011).

As I look towards my future nursing practice as a nurse educator, I desire to bring the concepts learned in this course and translate them into real practice. Promoting holistic caring provided through collaborative, interdisciplinary teamwork will be a focus of mine. Utilization of resources through modern informatics systems and continued review of scholarly literature will be resources I use to assist novice nurses in their paths towards knowledge. I would also like to role model civil behavior and educate others in the nursing profession on the dangers of incivility in the work and academic settings. There is much to discover on this path towards advanced practice, however the groundwork has been laid in this course. Utilization of the concepts and essentials learned will aid in my future nursing endeavors.

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