Reflect on your learning about Quantitative and Qualitative research; share two ways that helped you understand how they are different.

The nursing practice uses two broad categories/approaches when generating the
necessary knowledge through research; these two broad classifications are; qualitative research
and quantitative research. The two classifications differ in terms of the methods of research used
to generate different types of knowledge in the nursing practice/field. Quantitative research is the
traditional approach to research that focuses more on numerical analysis and statistics (Houser,
2018). Quantitative research mainly involves many participants so as to have credible research
results. It involves the use of surveys and documents for numeric information to determine the
effectiveness of the experiments.
On the other hand, qualitative research focuses on things that can be qualified in the form
of words and pictures. This type of research aims at understanding the experiences from an
individual perspective (Chamberlain, 2020). Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research
involves few participants to enhance in-depth questioning and better observation.

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