Reflect on an experience in which you were directly involved or witnessed incivility in the workplace. Provide a brief synopsis of the situation. How did this make you feel? How did you respond? What were the consequences of this situation? Provide an example of how this negatively affected the work environment and outcomes. How could the situation have been prevented? Discuss strategies that would support a healthy work environment.


Mosadeghrad (2014) suggest that a variety of factors influence the quality of services provided by nurses in their routine practice. The incidents of incivility could be a major reason in this list. Therefore, it is extremely critical to further assess this issue so that adequate policy measures can be drafted to address this issue. According to Brown and Cummings (2013), there could be different names ad terms but incivility, violence, and bullying is often witnessed by practicing nurses. Therefore, the code of conduct for nursing has seen many revisions in light of this issue, as stated by Simpson (2016). The objective of this paper is to examine the incidents and issue of incivility against nurses and how to deal it effectively without braking the decorum. It also helps the healthcare professionals as well as the management to create a better environment for service delivery.

Issue of Incivility

Several academic researchers have defined the cases of incivility in nursing in different ways. According to American Nurses Association (2015), incivility refers to the act of behaving rudely and without curtesy with the hospital staff. For example, if an individual spreads rumors with the intention to create panic in the hospital complex. In another case, a colleague may refuse to support another to create nuisance in the hospital environment. According to Mosadeghrad (2014), since nurses work in an extremely stressful environment where situations swing between life and death, this incivility becomes an integral part of the business. Even with the best of efforts, the incidents cannot be completely eliminated.

Apart from this, there are many risks and hazards associated with the profession of nursing. Therefore, the nurses as well as patients could be extremely tired and frustrated and lead into behaviors that are classified as incivility. Equipped with these assumptions and knowledge, Lachman (2014) suggests that we need both, primary as well as secondary interventions to address this issue. With the help of primary interventions, the incidents can be prevented while secondary interventions are used to bring down the frequency of such incidents.

Due to incivility, the relationship between nurses and patients, or fellow nurses may get impacted severely. As a result, there could be many conflicts that hamper the day to day work. The seminal paper by Wood (2016) suggests that due to incivility, the performance of nurses could go down significantly. As a result, the overall healthcare services become of low quality. Having learnt these massive impacts of incivility in the healthcare environment, it is extremely importance to find a solution to this problem so that the healthcare professionals may work in a normal manner.

Importance to Nursing

Lachman (2014) argues that the incidents of incivility in the healthcare environment have been increasing in the last few years, and it has brought down the quality of healthcare services.  The nurses as well as patients, both have to bear the brunt of it. As the situation worsens on day by day basis, the sector would find it hard to maintain the quality, allocate resources intelligently, and maintain the desired level of patient outcomes. Due to the bad behavior that nurses see around them, they often end up either leaving their job or the industry altogether. Therefore, the turnover rate of nurses also becomes higher. Incivility makes the healthcare environment extremely stressful and impacts the psychology of nurses (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2017). When nurses face constant conflicts, stressed environment, sleep deprivation, or embarrassment at workplace, they lack motivation to work at their full efficiency (Wood, 2016). Due to this increased activity, the nurses may also fall sick and remain absent from work. For a family nursing practitioner, such issues could trigger negative emotions. Brown and Cummings (2013) further elaborate on the ways in which negative emotions could impact the performance of family nurse practitioners.

Due to incivility and the associated poor performance, the nurses often receive bad ratings in performance appraisal. Such ratings often discourage them and the performance level and commitment further reduces. The emotional impact due to incivility could come out in the form of anger, isolation, or fear etc. (American Nurses Association, 2015).


Incivility has other effects also, such as causing damage to the staff nurses. Gradually, increase in the incident of mistreatments provokes the pe

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